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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 65:

    After a sleep, Shunian felt that the side effects of taking the medicine were a lot lighter, and the feeling of nausea was not as severe as before. She had never told Deng Qingyu about the thief entering the house. She was afraid that she would be worried at this time, and she did not say it.

    Shunian had a few more conversations with Deng Qingyu, and soon hung up the phone.

    The room is as quiet as usual.

    Xie Ruhe never made any big movements, and basically wouldn't bother her.

    Shunen rubbed his eyes and leaned to the window to open the curtain. The floors are high here, and most of the night scene of Ruchuan City can be seen, and the lights of Wanjia are reflected in her eyes. She looked down at the time, then got up and washed her face in the bathroom.

    I only drank a bowl of porridge at noon, and Shunen felt hungry at the moment. She opened the door and was about to walk in the direction of the living room, when she suddenly noticed a post-it note on the door.

    Shunen paused, and stretched out his hand to tear off the post-it note.

    Above is the familiar handwriting of Xie Ruhe.

    ——I went out to buy something and woke up to call me. Xie Ruhe.

    Shunen walked back to the room again to take out the phone.

    At the moment at seven o'clock. She thought about it. She seemed to have fallen asleep at three or four in the afternoon. She didn't hear anything at all, and she didn't know how long Xie Ruhe had been out.

    Shunian walked to the kitchen and called him. She opened the refrigerator and flipped through it.

    There was a beep in the ear.

    Shunen took a cup of jelly from the refrigerator, and got the spoon on tiptoe.

    After she finished this series of actions, Xie Ruhe hadn't answered the phone.

    Shunian walked to the sofa and sat down and waited for a while.

    The phone hangs up automatically because no one answers for a long time.

    Shunen stared at the screen hesitantly, always feeling something was wrong. From the reunion till now, she has basically never encountered Xie Ruhe not answering the phone. No matter what time the call is made.

    She licked her lips and slapped again.

    Still no answer.

    Shunian thought about it and sent him a text message.

    【Where are you now? ]

    After sending successfully, read the phone book into the next, and poor emotional moment again. She tore off the jelly wrapper, took a spoon, dug absently and took a bite.

    When Shunian hesitated whether to call Fang Wencheng.

    There happened to be movement in the hallway.

    Shunen quickly moved to the very edge of the sofa and stretched his head to look at the hallway.

    Xie Ruhe came in with a bag and changed his clothes. He looked unhappy, and his eyebrows were sharp and hostile. He lowered his head and changed his shoes, raised his eyes, and noticed Shunen, his emotions faded.

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