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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 24


    Shunen looked at the chat records of the two of them again, and it felt like two people who didn't know how to chat were getting together, and they chatted out nonsense.

    Shunian thought he might be too sleepy. Although he felt a little stupid, he didn't comment on his words: [It's late, go to sleep. ]

    Then, read the book out of the box, just noticed Lin Qiqi sent her micro letter. She clicked to see.

    Lin Qiqi: [? ? ? ]

    Lin Qiqi: [I just found out that you didn't reply to me before. ]

    Lin Qiqi: [Why don't you return to me? ]

    Read the book draw up a plan and found that in addition to just two direct interaction happy New Year road, and then pull up, is her first day home Xie Ruhe recorded songs of the time, Lin Qiqi sent a message to her.

    Shunen felt embarrassed at the time, and it was too late to reply to her. Later, she was free, but there was no news to remind her, and she forgot about it.

    Shunen was a little sorry, and roughly explained it to her.

    Lin Qiqi didn't mention it again: [By the way, I want to audition in two days. But I don't dare to go alone. Would you like to go with me? ]

    Shunen: [Audition? ]

    Lin Qiqi: [right ah, I see microblogging, there is a network drama hiring a new actor, I want to try. ]

    Shunen: [Do you want to turn the scene? 】

    Lin Qiqi: 【I don’t want to turn the scene before, just go chanting if you have the opportunity, otherwise it’s really too difficult and there is not much money. I think my appearance condition is not bad, you can try it. ]

    Lin Qiqi: [you are, ah, you do not look ugly, they are off to one. ]

    Shunen: [I am not suitable. ]

    Lin Qiqi: [What does not fit ah, try chanting, not to spend money. ]

    Read the book or refused: [really can not, sorry. You can find someone else to accompany you. 】

    Lin Qiqi did not persuade: [Okay. ]

    Read the book can feel faint Lin Qiqi some unhappy, but she did not put things in mind.

    The relationship between the two is unfamiliar, not even an ordinary friend. Although it is not a good idea, Shunen is still worried about any safety issues.

    What's more, she is really only interested in dubbing.

    At noon the next day, Deng Qingyu called and asked Shunian to go over to her and have a meal with them during the festival.

    Shunian had a plan, telling the truth: "I want to see Dad." Deng Qingyu was silent on the phone for a moment, and then said: "I'll accompany you ." Shunian

    shook his head: "No, I'll follow. He said something."

    Deng Qingyu asked, "Will you come over at night? " Shunen

    hesitated, or said, "It's still not possible. I'll go there

    later ." Deng Qingyu sighed, but didn't force: "Okay. Then you remember to eat."

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