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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
68.Chapter 68

    After speaking, Xie Ruhe left the room and closed the door.

    Shunian retracted his mind, said goodbye to Huang Lizhi who was on the other end of the phone, and then hung up. She climbed out of the bed and walked to the door to listen to Xie Ruhe's movement.

    No sound was heard.

    After answering the phone, Shunen's anger had disappeared without a trace. She licked her lips, stood on the chair again, and fumbled for Xie Ruhe's toothbrush over the closet.

    But Shunen pushed forward hard just now, and didn't touch it for a long time at this moment.

    Shunian stood on tiptoe and peeked in. After struggling for a few minutes, she stood up discouragedly, staring at the top of the closet, and spit out two words at a loss.

    "It's over." There was a

    stalemate for dozens of seconds.

    Shunian looked around and fixed his eyes on the book on the bedside table. She picked it up, rolled it into a small stick, and poked around the top of the closet like a blind man.

    When she finally touched the toothbrush, there was a movement of the door being opened behind her.

    Accompanied by Xie Ruhe's voice: "Niannian, take medicine..."

    Perhaps seeing her at this moment, his words stopped abruptly.

    Shunen's movements paused, and he looked back slightly.

    It happened to meet Xie Ruhe's eyes.

    When someone grabbed her bag on the spot, she swallowed. She didn't know how to react for a while. She kept her original movement stiffly, and whispered: "I know."

    Xie Ruhe stared at her thoughtfully, and stood still. move.

    Shunen slowly retracted his hand, thinking whether it would look abrupt and awkward as if nothing happened. Before she could think about it, Xie Ruhe had already walked over and lifted her from the chair.

    "Can't take it down?"

    "..." Shunen was quiet for a few seconds, and nodded, "Yeah."

    Xie Ruhe stared at her, his mouth curled up, and couldn't help laughing. He stepped on the chair and easily got the toothbrush that was rolled in the innermost part: "Don't stand so high, next time hide it in a shorter place."

    Shunian glanced at him and said bitterly: "If you are shorter, you can I saw it right away."

    Xie Ruhe said indifferently, "Then I pretended not to see it."

    "..." When I

    moved to Xie Ruhe's house, the temperature was still in the single digits, so Shunian brought it here. Most of the clothes are winter clothes. It's been several weeks since the season has changed, but because she didn't go out much, she didn't feel that the clothes were not enough.

    The next day, the two returned to the small house in Shunen.

    Although the house has not been inhabited for more than a month, because Deng Qingyu occasionally comes to help Shunen clean up, it looks clean at the moment, and the air does not smell bad.

    Last time I came here, Shunen brought only a few necessary things, and she didn't bring many things to Xie Ruhe's side.

    At that time, I felt that I should not stay in his house for too long.

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