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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 23

    Because of his words, Shunen was silent for a while, and did not comment on his words. He felt that the height topic he had raised on his own initiative was really insulting, but he was not angry because of it.

    Although he felt a little embarrassed, Shunen had a good temper as he hadn't heard him.

    In the huge room, it quieted down instantly.

    Only the occasional reminder from the rehabilitation physician can be heard.

    Shunen couldn't help, so he could only stand by and watch.

    She didn't know how Xie Ruhe felt when he was recovering.

    Does it hurt?

    Sometimes those world-weary emotions that he suddenly showed up, and those reasons for not wanting to persevere, did he feel that he worked so hard, and after hard work, the expected results did not come at all.

    It was a feeling of powerlessness.

    Shunen squeezed his fists hard and called him: "Xie Ruhe."

    Xie Ruhe panted slightly, sweating on his forehead: "Huh?"

    "After standing up, do you have anything you want to do?"

    I heard At this, Xie Ruhe looked over, and the sweat from the tips of his hair slid down his cheeks and fell from his chin. Probably because of the heat, his cheeks were a little more bloody, and his eyes were shiny with sweat.

    He honestly

    said: "Yes."

    Shunen asked: "What do you want to do?" Xie Ruhe didn't say a word, but looked at her quietly. Obviously standing on a high place, with the advantage of height, is looking down at her, but there is no feeling of oppression.

    Shunen didn't care about his indifference either.

    "At that time," Shunen stood on tiptoe and patted his shoulder, as if he was soothing, looking inexplicable, "I can accompany you."

    Hearing this, Xie Ruhe curled his lips, peachy eyes slightly. After a while, his brows stretched out. This time he no longer jumped out word by word forever as before.

    Because of panting, the voice was a bit more sexy, with an overwhelmingly clear breath.

    "A word is a deal," he said.

    When Xie Ruhe finished his rehabilitation, the hour hand on the wall also turned to ten o'clock.

    Shunian went back to the sixteenth floor with him, ready to take his things and go home.

    Probably because of the New Year's Eve, there are fireworks outside, making lively pops. The sky was bright, and the glowing flowers bloomed in the night sky. It has high floors and a good view, and you can clearly see most of the night scene of Ruchuan City.     Shunian

    watched for a while, and didn't stay any longer: "Then I'm going back?"

Xie Ruhe had no reason to keep her so late, and nodded, "Be careful." Shunian

    said good, and said again: "Happy birthday." ."


    But Shunen didn't go back alone either. As before, Fang Wencheng drove her back.

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