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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 9

    The next day, Shunen left the house half an hour earlier according to the appointed time. She didn't have many scenes in the role she played, and it took less than two hours to complete all the progress.

    Li Qing was quite satisfied with her and asked her to try the voice of a little girl inside.

    Pseudo-voice is not difficult for voice actors.

    Shunen adjusted it a bit, raised the pitch, emphasized the nasal sound, and his voice became immature. The scene with only a few sentences is a mixed bag, and it's just over.

    This is her daily life.

    Meet Xie Ruhe again.

    For her, it was like walking on the side of the road and suddenly hearing a song with a nice tune. After returning home, I wanted to find this song to listen to it again, but I couldn't remember the lyrics. I tried my best to find this song again.

    It's an episode that I'll never meet again.

    The long days are boring and there are always some surprises.

    Meeting him again, regardless of the process, is always a pleasure for Shunian.

    Even if he seems to be unhappy.

    Shunen had thought about it, should I send him a text message to ask why he suddenly became unhappy. She thought for a long time, picked up the phone, put it down, and finally picked it up again.

    Give up in the end.

    I just feel that this intersection does not actually need to be stretched.

    He is unwilling. She no longer has too much enthusiasm to consume like before.

    "Young Master."

    Fang Wencheng stood at the door and knocked on the door three times habitually, although he knew that Xie Ruhe should not be able to hear it. He yelled again, then opened the door and entered.

    The room is soundproof, and only a small sound can be heard outside. But as soon as the door was opened, the deafening rock music burst out instantly.

    Almost torn the eardrum.

    The light inside is very dark, the wooden floor, except for the audio, no other furniture, looks empty. On the ground are neatly organized dominoes, compulsively laid out in a certain pattern.

    There are dozens of mango gums scattered around.

    Xie Ruhe wore a loose sweater with long sleeves. The collarbone was exposed, and there was a depressed temperament. The wheelchair was set aside, and he was sitting on the ground, lazily straddling the dominoes.

    Fang Wencheng walked to the stereo, turned off the music, and then said, "Master, did you promise to write the theme song for Huajing's movie? I called and asked."

    Xie Ruhe said inaudibly . .

    Fang Wencheng said: "Okay."

    Fang Wencheng had nothing else to do. He was about to turn on the speaker for him, and when he left the room, Xie Ruhe suddenly said, "Tell Hua Jing, I will specify the singer, and the promotion song I I wrote it to them together."

    Fang Wencheng was stunned when he heard the words: "But there was no request over

    there— " Xie Ruhe didn't move his eyebrows, and continued: "You can change it without money, if you are not satisfied."

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