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Xie Ruhe had his head higher than Shunian, and he had to deliberately lower his head when he looked at her. As if he didn't understand what she meant, there was no expression on his face, but he looked a little bit in his eyes.

Seeing that he still had no tendency to speak, Shunen was very depressed: "Why don't you speak."


Shunen had never encountered such a situation. The other party did not ignore her, he would stop when she called. It's not that she is treated as air, she will listen to her, but she will not reply.

"You are so impolite." Shunen began to teach him, "I said so many words to you, why don't you ignore me."

Xie Ruhe looked away, still did not speak.

Speaking of this, Shunen suddenly thought of something and became a little uneasy: "You can't speak..."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe's eyelids moved, and her fine eyelashes trembled slightly.

His reaction strengthened Shunen's thoughts.

"You can't talk, you can tell me like gestures." Shunen didn't dare to look at him, feeling that he had just been too aggressive, "...I didn't mean it."

Xie Ruhe didn't look at her, his expression was casual. It seems that she doesn't care much about her words, but there is no trend to go.

Shunen fell silent, considering the language. For a long time, she bit her head and said, "What did you do outside Uncle Li Hong's house yesterday? I saw you stand for a while."


Her words seemed to be submerged in the air, without any waves.

Shunen frowned, grabbed his wrist again, approached him, and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear: "Uncle Li Hong didn't pay you money because he did something wrong, but you can't do this. thing."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe finally made a move. He looked at Shunian, with a dazed expression in his eyes.

Shunen didn't notice, but just said to himself: "When the time comes, he will check the brakes of the bicycle and find that something is wrong, and what if he finds you."


"People must not do bad things." Shunen said seriously, "because no matter what, even if you get away now, you will still..."

Xie Ruhe's expression gradually became clearer. Reminiscing about what Shunen had said before, he understood the meaning of her words, his eyes darkened. He didn't even listen to her words, so he threw away her wrist.

With a snap--

At that moment, the surrounding sound suddenly disappeared.

Xie Ruhe's eyes seemed to be frozen, gloomy, with heavy depression. He pursed his lips, his expression full of disgust and self-deprecation.

Then, regardless of Shunian's stunned expression, he turned and left.



Shunen lost sleep because of the call yesterday.

Tossing about on the bed, even with closed eyes, there is no sleepiness. She barely fell asleep until dawn.

The next day, Shunian did not get up until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Tossing about something to eat in the kitchen, Shunian swallowed two cold medicines in the living room, feeling that my throat is not as itchy as the previous day. She coughed twice, and then silly "Ah-" a few times, feeling that the state of her throat was not bad.

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