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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 14


    Fang Wencheng felt that this behavior was indeed not very kind, involved an irrelevant person, and made her inexplicably ridiculed. A trip in vain wasted time, and it also affected my mood.

    But Xie Ruhe was too moody, Fang Wencheng didn't dare to talk more here, thinking about taking Shunian out first, and then solve the matter.

    Fang Wencheng pressured and said to Shunian in a low voice, "Let's go out first." He made a gesture and motioned for Shunian to go ahead.

    Xie Ruhe sat on the spot, staring at Shunian, his eyes still blank. Realizing that Shunian was going to leave, he reacted and said in a low voice, "Fang Wencheng."

    Fang Wencheng looked back at him: "What's wrong?"

    Xie Ruhe said, "Go out."

    Fang Wencheng glanced at Shunian and said, "Okay." , We will go out now."

    Quiet for a moment.

    Xie Ruhe's expression was obviously more ugly than before, his eyes were dark and gloomy, and his jaw was straightened, as if he was suppressing his temper. He looked at Fang Wencheng and said calmly: "I mean, you go out."

    "..." Fang Wencheng was stunned, "Huh?"

    Xie Ruhe didn't repeat it, just stared at him.

    Fang Wencheng understood immediately, and bluntly pulled out a reason: "Ah, yes, yes, yes. I forgot to call the record company. Sorry, I'll go out first."

    He cast a sympathy for Shunian Looks, walked out.

    Standing on the spot, Shunian probably guessed the meaning of Xie Ruhe's behavior. She lowered her head, and whispered: "Teacher Ahe, then I will go back first. Excuse me."

    "Shu Nian." Xie Ruhe called her, licked her lips, and didn't know how to explain for a while, the words were too much. A bit cautious, "Didn't you come to record the song?"

    "Yes." Shunen raised his eyebrows and looked at him quietly. He couldn't figure out what he meant. I don't know why he always changes, but he understands his inanimate position, "I am not able to come here, so I shouldn't come here. . I’m sorry.”

    Xie Ruhe’s Adam’s apple slid up and down: “I was not talking about you just now...”

    “What? ” Shunen just wanted to leave here quickly, “I think you really should find someone else. On the day of the audition, I too Tried to sing your song, but it is really bad. This theme song is not suitable for me to sing. Substitution is the best choice, so as not to ruin your song."

    Xie Ruhe was silent for a few seconds and asked: "Don't you want to sing ? " "

    do not want to sing. "I read the book in a bad mood, but dared not offend him, to put it mildly," a crane's songs well worth getting a good singer to sing. "

    Wen Yan, Xie Ruhe put     Putting the guitar aside, she whispered: "Then you sing."


Xie Ruhe moved the wheelchair and walked to a certain room: "Come with me." Shunen

    's grievance and depression became more intense, and she stood there. After a while, I really want to turn around and leave. She pressed her lips hard, but followed obediently.

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