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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 51:

    Even if she can't see behind, she can clearly feel that there are double eyes staring at her.

    The man was hiding in a hard-to-detect position, watching her enter the house, turning on the light, and then approaching her quietly, two steps at a time.

    With invisible malice.

    Maybe she often feels that someone wants to harm her. But when the danger really comes, the feeling will be so strong that you can't ignore it, you will no longer feel that it is an illusion, and the feeling is extremely clear.

    Shunen's mind was blank, his breathing was short and hard, and he subconsciously fumbled for the phone from his pocket.

    At the same time, as she expected.

    Something cold stuck to her neck.

    "Miss, don't move." A strange man's voice rang out behind him, gruff and unpleasant, "Why come back so early, I'm leaving soon. There are few valuable things in this ruined place."

    Shunen's eyes were in an instant. The time was red, and he unconsciously let out a shallow cry, like a poor little beast. The body trembled fiercely, and the blade made a shallow blood mark on her neck.

    She wanted to make a cry for help, but her throat seemed to be blocked, and she couldn't say a word.

    "But it's not a loss." Looking at her face, the man let out a nasty laugh, "The young lady is very beautiful."

    After saying this, the man took the knife back and grabbed Shunen's wrist without hesitation. Drag into the room.

    Guess what might happen next, read the book doing all scream struggled, cried out for mercy: "let me, let me ... my bag I'll get you the money ...... ......"

    between men and women may The disparity in strength is too great, and her struggles are of no use.

    The man immediately reached out his hand to cover her mouth, and said unkindly: "Be quiet." It

    was an extremely unbearable distance.

    The man was dressed sloppy, smelled like a stench on his body, his eyes were dull, and he had no humanity at all. He rubbed his fingers on Shunen's face, and then showed an unexplained smile: "Get the money for a while."

    Shunen's consciousness was a little broken, and he felt as if he had been choked on his neck, and the sense of suffocation was struck by death. .

    Another picture came to mind.

    She lay on the ground feebly, aching all over, with no strength at all. There was a decadent smell in his nose, a dark light in front of me, and I could only hear the sound of an unclosed faucet in my ears.


    the man's footsteps always appeared in this voice, with a gentle smile on his face, and he was dressed neatly and gracefully. Such a person, if Shunian met on the street, he would never have thought that he would be such a terrible person.

    He walked over, whistling, squatting next to her, and happily tore off the scabs from her wounds. Listening to her painful cry, the man laughed in admiration and asked her: "Little girl, do you want to die?"

    ... As

    soon as the voice fell, Shunen's cell phone rang.

    The man paused and took the phone out of her pocket. Seeing "Xie Ruhe" on the caller ID, he didn't hang up and pressed mute.

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