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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 44:

    "..." Shunen looked at him blankly, breathing in his mouth, and the white mist waved away in the air. The field of vision seemed to be blurred, the background turned into color blocks, and nothing was clear, except that his appearance was clear as usual.

    The sound of the majestic rain seemed to be broken, and the world became quiet.

    Shunen could only hear the beating heartbeat, magnifying it in her mind, overshadowing all her sanity. At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything, and didn't want to make herself tremble in front of important people.

    I don't want to like the rights of a person with so many conditions.

    She just wanted to listen to her own heart, she wanted to grab his hand, smile at him, and tell him honestly-

    no need to chase, I like you too.

    I have secretly liked you for a while, but I am worried that what you like is other people, and I am worried that you don't like me, so I dare not tell you, for fear that you will stay away from me when you know it.

    Fortunately, you like me too.

    I am very happy.

    Shunian wanted to tell him that.

    She wanted to tell him that.

    But when a person has been cowardly for a long time, it is extremely difficult to muster up the courage again. She will consider a lot, imagine hundreds of possibilities in the future, and fear such a future.

    The impulse that comes from desire may not be a new way out.

    It's a dark tunnel with no end.

    It was a dark day that belonged to her alone, and Xie Ruhe should not be pulled up.

    He just likes her and has no obligation to be her savior.

    Shunen gave up such an answer and looked at him, his eyelashes trembling lightly, his round eyes were stained with mist by this rainy day. She squeezed her sleeves tightly, her chest was blocked in panic, and her throat choked inexplicably.

    He should be rejected.

    The most sensible move is to reject him.

    As long as this relationship is interrupted in time, as long as this sign is cut off, the unpleasantness that may occur in the future will not happen again.

    Xie Ruhe didn't seem to notice what she was going to say next. He still looked at her, his expression was patient and gentle, and he was nervous and unnatural, like a big boy.

    Shunen was suddenly speechless.

    If she refused him and told him not to do this kind of thing anymore, he would be unhappy. His emotions have always been restrained, and she must have shown signs of liking before he could say such words.

    Shunian didn't want to make Xie Ruhe's courage worthless because of her timidity.

    She didn't want this.

    Probably because she hadn't responded for a long time, Xie Ruhe gradually understood what she meant. He touched his neck, looked at the rain outside, and stubbornly broke the topic: "The rain is getting lighter, I will send you back first."

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