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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
46.Chapter 46

    Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes dullly and stared at her hand on his palm. The warm touch brought a feeling of dependence, he subconsciously held it back, and his Adam's apple slid up and down.

    Knowing that she would have concerns, would be timid and dare not move forward.

    So Xie Ruhe is willing to take her time, wait for her answer, willing to put herself in a humble position, willing to summon the courage to say something that she has never said before, and try to reassure her.

    But she never thought that she would not hesitate because of his courage.

    He ran towards himself without hesitation.

    The change of identity for a while left both of them a bit at a loss but at a loss.

    Soon, Xie Ruhe's cheeks floated with a light blush, and he suddenly pressed the back of his hand against his lips and turned his head away. His other hand was still holding Shunen tightly, and he didn't let go.

    It was so stiff for several minutes.

    Shunen's palms gradually sweated, thinking about whether to take the initiative to say something. After all, she had been in a relationship once, and she should be more experienced than Xie Ruhe, and can guide him appropriately.

    But that time of love seems to have never been so nervous...

    Before she could think about it, Xie Ruhe looked at her again. The appearance has returned to normal, but a large area of ​​the ears are red, and he calmly

    responded : "Okay." He met Shunian's eyes: "I know."

    Shunian was stunned, and didn't know how to respond. With this reaction, he could only make a pretended hum.

    Xie Ruhe let go of her hand and said in a low voice: "Then I will go back first     ." Shunen

    nodded: "I will send you."

"No." Xie Ruhe said, "You should rest early." As

    he said, he turned his head and opened it. The door, walked out. The movements are fast, and the body movements are much stiffer than usual, and they look unnatural.

    Xie Ruhe said goodbye to her outside the door, and then closed the door.

    The room suddenly became very quiet, the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared, and the temperature seemed to drop accordingly. Shunian stood there for a while, and suddenly noticed Xie Ruhe's umbrella at the entrance.

    Fearing that it was still raining outside, she picked up the umbrella and hurried out.

    The temperature outside was much lower than that in the room, and the cold air with dampness got into the neck. She only wore a thin sweater, because she was anxious, she didn't even wear slippers.

    When she opened the door, she noticed that she was barefoot.

    I was about to go back and put on my shoes, but before she could move, Shunen suddenly noticed that Xie Ruhe hadn't left yet, and was standing in the middle of the stairs at this moment. He lowered his eyes and did nothing. The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, not knowing what he was thinking.

    Hearing the movement, Xie Ruhe raised his head.

    Shunen's heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and sweet bubbles appeared. She licked her lips, handed him the umbrella, and whispered: "You forgot to bring your umbrella."

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