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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
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Turn off the lights
Chapter 7

    Shunen's words made Chen Hanzheng's expression instantly stiff. He wanted to get angry at her, but her expression was calm, without any sharpness, and it felt like she was telling the truth.

    Chen Han was taking a deep breath and directly returned to his seat.

    At first, Shunen didn't know why he was angry.

    Fearing that he thought he was deliberately sarcastic, Shunen walked up to him and explained it seriously.

    "I didn't lie to you. That man grows up very well, that's the kind. You don't need to emphasize it like you, the kind that makes people feel good."

    Chen Hanzheng became even more angry, staring directly at her to roll.

    Shunen was stunned by him, and after reacting, he immediately understood how angry he was. Her expression became a little weird, but she still didn't say anything, she gave an obedient cry and returned to her position.

    Chen Hanzheng didn't work this way, and Shunian didn't know who to ask.

    It's not that she has a bad relationship with other people, but that Chen Hanzheng's social interaction is so wide that she even knows the big brothers and sisters of Shiyan High School. Shunian felt that Chen Hanzheng would know who it was.

    But now Chen Han is making it clear that he has determined that the best-looking boy in Shiyan Junior High School is him, and he will be angry when he speaks a truthful refutation.

    Shunen didn't want to lie, so he had to find another way. She sighed sadly.

    She Xiaoying at the same table noticed her expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong with you." Shunian

    didn't hide it, and honestly said: "I want to find someone."

    Then she apologized.

    "Who, from our school?"

    "Yeah." Shunian didn't think He Xiaoying would know, but when she asked, she didn't seem to have any reason to say, "Junior high school, I don't know which grade it is. A beautiful boy."


    There are only three tags, "junior high school", "beautiful" and "boy".

    Like finding a needle in a haystack, there should have been many answers. But He Xiaoying but only think of one person, hesitant to ask: "? Class Five Xie Ruhe it"

    ? "Xie Ruhe" read the book blinked, never thought she'd be able to tell a person's name, "you know it"?

    "Recognize Ah. Didn’t Wanqiong hand him the love letter back last week, don’t you know?" He Xiaoying lowered her voice and said mysteriously, "And there are many girls in our class like him. I have heard it several times, and exchanged secrets. She likes Xie Ruhe." Shunian

    frowned: "Really? How

    old are they now." "..." He Xiaoying withdrew the topic in time, "What do you want this person for? If it's Xie Ruhe, you still don't look for it. He is a bad student and always skips classes. He is very gloomy and looks scary."

    Shunen's brows furrowed more tightly when she heard the word "trucking class", but when she heard the "sullen" afterwards, she just stopped.

    Suddenly he became clear: "That should be him." "No, really him?" He Xiaoying was frightened by her words, "What are you going to do with a bad student?" Shunen

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