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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 22

    Shunen didn't hear him clearly, thinking he thought she disagreed. She felt that his wish was a small thing and it was easy to realize, and there was nothing to refuse: "Is it this?"


    "Where do you usually recover? Go to the hospital?"

    Xie Ruhe's face remained unchanged. Said: "At home."

    Shunen nodded, thought about it, and said to him: "I usually go to the recording studio, I can't go there often to accompany you. But I will pass by when I have time."


    "If you do If you want someone to accompany you, you can find Assistant Fang." Shunian felt that he might be alone in doing what he didn't want to do, and seriously advised him, "He is a very good person."

    "..." Xie Ruhe didn't say a word.

    Shunian was accustomed to his silence, and casually chatted with him: "Did you not spend your birthday with your grandfather today?"

    "I went to dinner with him at noon and went to see my mother together." Xie Ruhe repeated. What I did today, "I want to rehabilitate tonight, so I didn't stay with him

    anymore ." When Xie Ruhe mentioned his mother, Shunian paused and didn't say this again: "Where is Assistant Fang? Shall we go to look for him?"

    Xie Ruhe lazily said: "I'll let him come over." The

    two stopped at a position on the roadside.

    Shunian stood next to him, watching him look down at his phone, and contacted Fang Wencheng. She rubbed the toes of her shoes against the floor boredly, making a rustling noise.

    "Xie Ruhe, are you twenty..." Shunen had the final say, "Twenty-three years old?"


    "So fast." Shunen was a little happy, "Then we have known each other for almost ten years. "

    Hearing that, Xie Ruhe raised his head: "It's been ten years."

    "It's been so long." Together, Shunen mentioned the previous things along the way, "I still remember that my father used to come back from vacation and brought me a small guitar from the city."

    "It's Ukulele. "

    Yes. Then I don't know how to play, it's all you playing. I also knew that your music cell is so good at that time." Shunen recalled, "You seemed to be able to write songs by yourself at that time. I think you will be great in the future."

    Because of her tone, Xie Ruhe's expression seemed a bit unnatural: "Neither." Shunen

    's mood improved: "Moreover, I liked to imitate the lines in the animation at that time. I I told you that I think these behind-the-scenes staff are so powerful that they can interpret a character on paper so three-dimensionally with sound."


    "And now I am also in this industry." Shunian thought about it. "We seem to be doing what we like, so life doesn't seem so bad."

    Xie Ruhe listened to her and responded in a low voice. Since he knew her, she has always been positive and positive, bringing positive energy to others.     Shunen

    began to be serious again, like an old man: "You have to work

harder to recover, everything will be fine." Xie Ruhe obeyed: "I know." After a

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