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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 61:

    After speaking, Xie Ruhe hung up without waiting for an answer from the other end. He exhaled irritably, and his sanity returned a little bit, reluctantly thinking that Fang Wencheng's words were mostly correct.

    Everything has to be done step by step.

    Although he longed to possess her, longed to give her in this way, or gave him enough sense of security, longed to leave a mark on her, longed to know her better, longed to reach the sky in one step.

    But it's just his thoughts.

    Xie Ruhe even thought that if Shunen didn't want to go out, he just wanted to stay in this house and resist the outside world. She can only see him, only him in her eyes, and will not think about other people.

    Think of him as a pillar, you can't live without him.

    That's also good.

    They will stay in this house forever.

    Only each other.

    Like in the cold and damp soil, where no sunlight can be seen, there are two intertwined vines, relying on each other, and they are close to each other and cannot be separated.

    But as long as Xie Ruhe sees Shunian, sees things related to her, or yes, as long as he thinks of her.

    Such thoughts will disappear instantly.

    From the first day I met her, to this moment today. In such a long time, all the time, every minute, every second, in Xie Ruhe's eyes, Shunen is shining.

    People who should live in the light.

    The world he saw should also be bright, and the darkness should be far away from her.

    Xie Ruhe sat on the sofa and thought for a while. Then he sat up straight and touched the touchpad to turn on the computer. He licked his lips and hesitated to type eight words on the keyboard.

    ——Serial murder case in Shiyan Town.

    Looking at the details listed one by one on the webpage, Xie Ruhe's expression became paler and paler. He gritted his teeth, his eyes were dull, his whole body stretched tight, and the blue veins on his forehead could be clearly seen.

    After a long time, he covered the laptop and closed his eyes heavily.

    Xie Ruhe never paid attention to this incident before.

    Because if he pays attention, it is inevitable that he will once again see all kinds of information about Ji Xiangning's victimization from the Internet.

    When Zeng Yuanxue was arrested, he had not yet returned to China. The court notified the family members that all the procedures and procedures were handled by Ji Xinghuai.

    It was not until two months before the verdict of the first instance that Xie Ruhe returned to China.

    He hesitated for a long time, feeling that he had to accompany his grandfather, and he wanted to see the murderer being punished by the law with his own eyes. But on the way home, he was in a car accident and was in a coma for two months. When he woke up, the court had sentenced Zeng Yuanxue to death.

    Zeng Yuanxue accepted the judgment in court and did not appeal.

    He did not pay attention to this incident anymore and entered a long day of recuperation and rehabilitation.

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