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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 11

    When I was young, Shunen still liked singing. Sitting in front of the TV, I would always sing along to the comics, and I thought I was singing very well.

    Shunian never felt anything wrong with her singing.

    The parents never corrected her, they just thought it was cute and funny, so they let her go.

    Until the beginning of junior high school.

    There is an exam in the music class, and at the end of the semester, everyone has to go on stage and sing a song. You can choose to sing alone, or you can find someone to sing a song together.

    At that time, Shunian sang a song "Grateful Heart" by Ouyang Feifei.

    Before she finished singing, Shunen noticed the smiling faces of the whole class. She felt weird, but still stubbornly finished the song.

    After stepping down, he asked He Xiaoying, Shunian realized that he was out of tune.

    And it ran very ridiculously.

    When I was ridiculed more often, Shunen didn't like to sing anymore. Even if I want to sing, I sing quietly in the room by myself.

    But after Shunian's relationship with Xie Ruhe got better.

    Once, she became interested. Without worrying too much, he sang in front of him. At that time, Xie Ruhe listened for a long time with a slightly strange expression, and finally only reluctantly said a word.

    ——"I have heard the lyrics of you, but never heard of this song."

    The meaning of that sentence is exactly the same as what Xie Ruhe said at this time.

    Shunen lowered his eyes and said nothing.

    Soon, Xie Ruhe noticed her emotions and moved her lips. He didn't want Shunen to be unhappy, so he pulled up a step with difficulty: "If you don't sing lyrics, I can't tell whether you sing "Little Star" or "Alphabet Song." The

    atmosphere was cold for a few seconds.

    "These two songs." Shunen felt a bit similar. After thinking about it, he said with uncertainty, "It seems that the melody is the same."

    Xie Ruhe looked back at her: "Really." Shunian

    thought it was indeed the same, but he didn't dare to sing it to prove it. He could only

    whisper : "It should be." "That's because I remembered it wrong." Xie Ruhe looked lightly. "Your tune is accurate     ." Shunian paused

    , not confident: "Really?"

"Yeah." Xie Ruhe said earnestly, "You can sing along tomorrow."

    During the talk, the two walked away. Arrived at a nearby station.

    Although Shunen was not comforted by him, he did not mention this topic again. She helped Xie Ruhe stop a taxi, because she didn't know how to get in the car, so she stood beside him at a loss.

    Xie Ruhe is familiar with it. The door was wide open, the wheelchair was slightly slanted, and he supported the armrests with both hands, using the strength of his hands, he quickly sat in the back seat of the car. Afterwards, he bent over and moved his legs into the car.

    Feeling that he had nowhere to help, Shunen simply turned his attention to the wheelchair.

    But the next moment, Xie Ruhe stretched out his hand, pressed the wheel, and directly removed the two big tires. The wheelchair was divided into three parts and he put it in the car.

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