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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 71:

    Shunen looked at him blankly.

    The phone was in my hand, inexplicably hot. The palms were also gradually sweating.

    In fact, this is not considered public. Xie Ruhe did not make any introductory remarks. He just said that a song he wrote is very nice and it happened to be sung by Shunian.

    Also, she is the only person on the watch list.

    Many people who noticed these two things might speculate, and might therefore think that this is an ironclad fact. Although it has not been confirmed, those speculations are just speculations.

    But when I talk about Shunen in the future, many people will probably think of Ahe.

    The two people seem to be tied together.

    She asked if she wanted to see his grandfather before, and got his negative answer.

    At that time, although he wasn't very angry, Shunen also had a worry about whether he didn't want to let his family know. But now it seems that he doesn't mind letting others know at all.

    Shunen licked the corners of her lips and retracted her gaze. His heart seemed to be filled with something, a little swelled, almost overflowing. Her nose was sore, she rubbed her eyes, and gave a low huff.

    Hearing her tone, Xie Ruhe tilted his head and whispered softly: "What's the matter?" Shunen

    said honestly, "I think you are too good."

    I feel that I can never meet someone as good as him again. .

    So I will be anxious and worry that there may be a day of separation in the future. By that time, she should have difficulty adapting, accepting, and living a life alone.

    Hearing this, Xie Ruhe moved her eyelashes and understood her thoughts. He thought for a while and said seriously: "Shunian, I am in love with you, and I did not hide this relationship from the outside world. This is a respect for you. It does not mean that I am good."

    Shunen raised his head and said, "Ah, ah. ""

    "This is what I should do."

    Shunen was a little dazed by what he said, and his emotions dissipated in an instant, and he nodded: "Oh."

    Xie Ruhe raised his hand and touched her head. There was no change in her expression, as if she was reasoning: "You just Accept it as it should." The

    two walked out of the building and returned to the car.

    Xie Ruhe opened the car door, let Shunian go up first, and then leaned over to fasten her seat belt. After the car started, he suddenly remembered what Shunen had said to him earlier.

    In the next second, Xie Ruhe raised his eyes meaningfully: "Assistant Fang."

    Fang Wencheng rarely heard Xie Ruhe call him like this, usually by his full name. When he heard it, he thought it was his hallucinations. He inexplicably squeezed sweat in his heart,

    remembering what he had done wrong, and after a few seconds he cautiously replied: "Master, what's the matter?" Xie Ruhe twitched his mouth and said casually: "Good afternoon. "


    Fang Wencheng:? ? ?

    Two days later, Shunian went to the recording studio to audition on time. Xie Ruhe was still waiting for her outside as usual. After the audition passed, she didn't plan to stay long, she planned to go back and ponder the script.

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