(Eric Cartman) Rivalry

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A/n: Man, I'm just throwing these oneshots out there like nothing! Im on a roll. But, anyway, a Cartman oneshot like promised! I hope you guys like this one :) For that one person that mentioned how much they liked Cartman in that Trent oneshot. Maybe they never expected this... but I done diddly did it, son.

Dominant&jealous!Cartman x Reader
EDIT: I'm incredibly sorry for not putting some kind of warning before but things do get somewhat sexual in this!! So if you're uncomfortable with that, I suggest don't read it! Ok, yeah, sorry again, folks!


Nothing can compare to my rivalry against Eric fucking Cartman.

It all began in fifth grade when South Park elementary held a school fair one day. I was fairly new into town but I managed to become well acquainted with a few people. Anyway, the fair had all of the basics; food, rides, games, and, of course, contests. One in particular had caught my attention and I decided to join. It was a pie eating contest. The first to finish their chosen pie entirely wins $200. As a young child, that was a lot of money. I was determined to win the prize.

Just so happens that I was against Eric Cartman, the fattest kid in our grade. I'm sure everyone that was either participating or watching the contest had believed Cartman to be the one to win. Man, did I prove them wrong.

No one had expected little (F/n) (L/n), the new girl, to devour a whole pie before the Eric Cartman. I had done it, I finished my pie before anyone else. And so, I had won the prize money and belly full of that sweet, delicious pie they had given us. But this fateful moment didn't sit well for Cartman. From that day on, our feud had begun.

Being as I am, I wasn't one to back down so easily. Many people from school and even around the neighborhood had warned me of that fatass's true talents and how he could basically get whatever he wants, no matter what the situation. Not once did that make me falter, I still did my best to butt heads with the infamous boy.

Even now, juniors in high school, we still step toe to toe with each other.

"That's right, (L/n)! Guess who's the winner," the chestnut haired boy spat at me the moment our homeroom teacher finished announcing who had sold the most items in this year's fundraiser. "I'll give you a hint, you're looking right at him." I grimaced at this revelation. It's even more crushing to know that I was only a few dollars off from nabbing first place. I had been so terribly close to beat him in the fundraiser. I had been confident too.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Cartman. All I'm looking at is a sadistic pig... Oh wait, same thing," I muttered out in a fake innocent tone, fluttering my lashes at him. "At least I'm smarter than you. What was the grade you gotten on our last history test, again?"

"Shove it up your tight ass, (L/n)! I had an 87 on that damn test. I'm going to pass you one day, just watch yourself," he snapped back at me. Sparks flew between our deathly glares at one another, chocolate brown orbs against (e/c). I swear to god, one day I will strangle this boy's thick neck in my bare hands and I will walk away pleased with myself.

It's actually a shock that our homeroom teacher didn't give any kind of warning for our constant bickering and had continued on with announcements. "And make sure to tell our debate team good luck as they will be leaving this Friday for a competition in Denver. Not like we need much, as we had won in last year with our strong debaters." His eyes seemed to have flickered to both Cartman and I as he had mentioned this. But he quickly went on with the rest of announcements.

Last year was the exact time when both Cartman and I joined the debate team. Wendy, who was the team's captain, had asked me personally if I could join the team. I was ok with it, seeing that I wasn't in any other club. But the moment Cartman found out about this, he joined as well to show he was the better debater than I was. Despite how much I despised him, he had proved himself to be a fantastic debater... but I wasn't going to admit that to him.

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