(Stan Marsh) They Were Endgame

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A/n: I think you have the gist of what happens in the oneshots. But here's a new one:

(S/c) = skin color (is that weird? Idk, I'm gonna leave that in)

Here's a Stan oneshot! I got super inspired and that's why I'm able to publish two oneshots in one day. Woot!

Enjoy! Oh and please comment on who I should do next. I have no idea :P


They broke up.


For reasons unknown to _____ and the rest of her friends. This has been an endless cycle and honestly, she was used to it except it breaks her heart everytime when Wendy runs to her and Bebe with tears in her eyes about the break.

_____ believed, as much as she hated it, that Stan and Wendy were endgame. She could imagine them, after all the rough patches in their screwy relationship, growing up together and getting married. She didn't want to think of it that way but in her eyes and as well as many other people, it's going to end that way. Ever since she moved to South Park her fourth grade year, she could obviously tell.

What sucks about all this was that _____ was hopelessly in love with her best friend, the quarterback football star and overall popular, Stanley Marsh. She, along with Kyle, had been through thick and thin with the raven haired boy. She was always there for him and vice versa. Stan was the friend she would turn to whenever she had any personal problems she needed to rant about. They were always there for one another and everyone in town saw that. No way in hell you could separate the two.

In more times than she can count, she has been told that she and Stan would be the cutest couple ever if they ever dated. Adults and classmates alike went out of their way to tell her their opinions on it. And every time, she would shake her head and smile at the person and tell them, "Are you silly? We're just really good friends." At first, she would be flattered by the comment. But nowadays? It had become such a burden. Whenever someone brings the topic up, she has to fake a smile and tell them those exact words over and over. She grew up to hate those words because she wants it to be true. She desperately wants to be in Wendy's shoes and not have a one sided crush for once on Stan.

No. She's just _____, Stan's best friend.


"Stan hasn't gone out of his bedroom for two days," Kyle told her as they walked on the sidewalk, coming from the town library to study.

_____ nodded, her (e/c) eyes focused on her feet. "Give him some time. He always pulls through. We've been through this for years."

"There's a big football game tomorrow. You think he'd be ready by then?" The redhead asked, tightening his bag strap in his hands.

"I hope so or we're toast." She glimpsed up at the sky, which casted colors of orange and pink. It's absolutely beautiful with the mountains in the distance. "Let's stop by his house and check on him."

"Sounds good."

The two friends strolled on, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. Once they made it to the Marsh house, _____ tapped on the wooden door. Stan's dad, Randy, was the one to open the door this time. "Oh hello, Kyle, _____. Stan's up in his room, moping."

"We figured," _____ uttered. "Can we go see him?"

"If he lets you. Do you two want to stay for dinner? It's almost time," Randy offered to the teens.

_____ and Kyle exchanged looks, using only their eyes to converse. "That'd be swell, thanks Papa Marsh!" _____ replied with a sweet grin. The two walked in and hurried up the stairs. They stopped by the door they knew by heart was Stan's and knocked lightly. "Stan... Amigo, can Kyle and I come in?" She asked cautiously as she pressed her ear to the door for any sliver of sound. She could make out footsteps on the other side of the door.

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