(Christophe Delorne) The Perfect Christmas Gift

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A/n: As you read this, you can see I will probably never be cut out to be a lemon writer. Never. But, uh, sexy times is mentioned and implied so if you're not ok with that, my bad. But this is still pretty sfw.

I probably also made Christophe totally ooc but this idea popped into my mind and I really wanted to write it down. So, sorry in advance!

I am NOT taking in any more requests at the moment. I have about four more to write up. I'll open up requests in due time! But, at least I'm now on winter break and I can write as much as I want to! :D Yay!!


It was nearing Christmas time and everyone in South Park was in a frenzy to get ready for the festive holiday. I, for one, was trying to find the perfect gift for my French boyfriend. But, I have learned through the months of dating him that it was difficult to look for something for him.

So, that's why I was at the mall with Wendy and Bebe since they insisted on helping me. We've passed many stores that held possible present ideas but none I've thought would be for Christophe. Bebe rushed over to the window that displayed flashy jewelry. "Oh, oh! How about that golden watch, (F/n)? It's absolutely gorgeous! Plus, doesn't he like watches?" The blonde girl told me with an enthusiastic aura to her. "Oh, just look at those diamond earrings."

"Bebe, step away from the window before you start drooling," Wendy commanded her with an unpleasant expression on her face. I let out a giggle as Bebe pouted and literally took a step back from the jewelry store.

"It's a nice idea, Bebe, but it's just too expensive," I muttered while looking into my wallet. "Plus, I don't think Christophe's the kind of guy to care about those kind of things."

"What a shame," Bebe grumbled. "But, just look at it!" Her eyes shifted back to the jewelry and she was once again back into a trance. Wendy and I took hold of her arms and pulled her away from the store, ignoring her pleading along the way.

"Guys, I'm starting to get hopeless," I groaned.

"I'm sure you'll think of something," Wendy uttered.

I glanced at the two girls. "What are you guys getting for Stan and Clyde?" I questioned them, now desperate for ideas.

"I got Stan two concert tickets to his favorite band," Wendy replied with a smile. "I'm positive he would love to go with Kyle."

"I got Clyde some football stuff," Bebe answered with a shrug. Then a smirk appeared on her face. "But, I decided to add onto his present later into the night."

"Ugh, ew, Bebe, seriously?" Wendy muttered to her disapprovingly. "That is something I don't need to know about!"

I rolled my eyes. "Everyone already knows they've been doing the dirty since junior high, though," I commented with a chuckle.

"Have you been thinking about it, (F/n)?" Bebe suddenly asked me.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks at the question. But to make sure, I decided to play dumb. "What are you talking about?"

"You and Christophe having sex, silly!"

Wendy pounced on Bebe and clasped her hands over the blonde's lips. "Oh my god! That is not something to discuss out in public!" The raven haired girl hissed with wide eyes.

Bebe burst out laughing as she took Wendy's hands away from her mouth. "Calm down, Wendy! You're the one causing people to look at us," she told her. "And sex is a normal thing. It's just that you'd rather wait until marriage to do it. I'm not judging you though! Different people, different preferences." Bebe's warm brown eyes returned to me. "I'm still waiting for that answer."

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