(Kenny McCormick/Mysterion) PART 2

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Kenny opened his eyes and yawned. He checked his clock on his drawer and saw it was nearing nine, the time he has to get to Stan's house. He hopped out of bed and put on his usual clothes.

Who was that girl last night?

She was... Something. Something interesting.

Maybe he'll see her later.

He walked over to Stan's house. With a couple knocks on the front door, Stan opened it. "Hey dude, everyone else is already here." He entered the house and see Kyle putting up a handmade banner which said, "Welcome back to South Park, ____!" Cartman was on the couch, eating Cheesy Poofs. Not surprising.

"Do you think we need anything else?" Stan asked Kenny.

"I can give her quite a show, if you know what I mean," Kenny said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Gross, dude!" Stan chuckled, smacking his arm. "Remember, ____'s my cousin. Also, you haven't seen her in years! You think you'd still be attracted to her?"

Kenny shrugged, not really thinking too much about it. "I don't know. We'll see, I guess."

Knock, knock, knock.

Stan's parents and sister entered the living room after hearing the knocks. "Ooh, she's here, Stan!" His mother quipped, excitement obvious on her face.

"Go open the door, turd," Shelley commanded. Stan huffed and went over to open the door.

"Whoa," Kenny, Kyle, and Eric muttered out.

There she stood. Her (h/c) hair reaching past her shoulders and a bright (f/c) beanie loosely on. Her (e/c) eyes sparkled with the morning sun. She looked the same since years ago except the fact she's more developed.

She was drop dead gorgeous.

"Stan!" She squealed happily as she hugged her cousin.

"Hey, _____." Stan hugged her back with the same strength the received. The rest of the Marshes rushed over and greeted the seventeen year old girl.

"It's so good to see you all! It's been too long," _____ said as she hugged her other cousin, aunt, and uncle. Her eyes then laid upon the three familiar boys that stood behind them. "Oh my god!"

"Welcome back, _____!" Kenny, Kyle, and Eric greeted her. She rushed over to them and hugged them all at once in a group hug.

"I'll just leave your luggage in the guest room, ok _____?" Stan's dad said as he brought in her navy blue bag.

"That's just fine, Uncle Randy. Thank you," _____ replied with a nod.

"Boys, go ahead and show _____ around again. She may have forgotten," Stan's mom told them.

"Ok, Mom," Stan smiled, while tugging on _____'s coat to follow him.

The five teens left the house and made their way to town. Somehow, Stan and _____ were far off in front of the rest of the guys, talking away about anything. "Damn, _____ got hot," Eric uttered to Kyle and Kenny, his brown eyes eying her back.

"Sucks that she rejected you when we were ten, eh Ken?" Kyle whispered to the blonde.

"Psh, that was years ago. It doesn't mean I don't have a shot now," Kenny said, a smug look on his freckled face.

"Oh look, Kyle. He's getting pretty confident. Ok, try asking her out then," Cartman told him. "I bet she'd reject you again."

"Is this a real bet, tubby?" Kenny quipped.

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