(Pete the Redheaded Goth vs. Mike Makowski) The Vampire or the Goth? PART 1

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A/n: Just so you all know, I am NOT taking in some oneshot requests right now. I'm currently trying to finish the ones I already have but rest assured that one day I will be ok with opening requests later in time.

This oneshot will be a two-parter (since it seemed to have worked out that way) and will only have one ending. I'm debating whether to make two endings or not but maybe. Thoughts? The guy who the reader ends up with will be revealed at the very end. Part two will probably come up later today. Also, I'm terribly sorry if either Pete and Mike seem a little ooc. I tried T__T

Anyway, Please vote this up and leave any comment! Love y'all! Also, happy holidays! Just a few more days until Christmas, everyone!


I gazed blankly at my best friend as he talked animatedly about his hobby... Ahem, sorry, way of life. There was no way I could try to talk him out of it. He seemed very keen to keep at this new fad. Who am I to say to stop him from something he obviously loves? "Lady (F/n), surely, you can reconsider your views and live forever with me and our crew?" Mike asked me while flipping his hair over his shoulder.

I had my arms crossed over my chest as I continued to stare indifferently at him with narrowed eyes. "Mikey--"

"It's Vampir," he quickly interjected with a stern look on his face.

"Sorry, Vampir," I corrected myself with a roll of my (e/c) eyes. "But, being a vampire isn't really my thing."

Mike then pouted his lips to me, in which I would usually find adorable if he wasn't wearing those fangs. "What a shame," he sighed. He then bared a smile. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

I frowned slightly. "Tomorrow? Are you forgetting something today?" He stared at me blankly. He goddamn forgot? Seriously? "Mikey, hello? It's Friday! We always watch a horror movie every Friday. You did this to me last week... And the week before that!"

"Oh. OH!" Mike gaped once the pieces finally clicked in his brain. I tapped my foot and nodded at him. "Lady (F/n), my apologies! It had slipped my mind!"

"Yeah, I realized," I grumbled. I sighed and trotted down the steps of the school. I suddenly felt someone grip my wrist before I took the last step. I swerved back around and glared at him.

"Lady (F/n), please forgive me! We're doing another ritual and as leader, I can't--"

"Miss it," I finished for him. "I know, I know." I tore my arm away from him. "I'll see you around, Mike." I took the last step and then rushed away down the sidewalk, ignoring his desperate calls for me.

Was I being too clingy? I don't think so. Mike's my best friend, I should feel a little possessive if I haven't seen him in a while. And that's exactly the case. I barely see Mike. That's probably why he wanted me to become a vampire just so I can be within his newfound group and hang out with him more. I simply can't change myself just so I could see my best friend more.

I couldn't bring myself to go home. My feet seemed to be in control as I strolled into the middle of town. Since it was the beginning of winter, South Park was colder than usual. My (f/c) jacket wasn't going to cut it any longer at these dropping temperatures.

Then I spot someone familiar just in the distance. Once squinting my eyes, I figured out who it was. "Hey, Pete!" I called while waving my hand over to him.

Now, you may think, why are you acquainted with a goth kid? Well, we were paired up for an English project during our freshman year. At first, I thought it'd be me doing most of the work but Pete definitely showed his passion since we had Edgar Allen Poe for our project. During the short two weeks of working with the goth, I've grown to tolerate and enjoy his company. Occasionally whenever I pass by him in the hallways or at lunch, I would greet him like any other friend of mine. He would usually shoot me a nod in return and if I'm lucky enough, he would greet me back and continue on his way. I guess that is what makes him different from his goth group. He actually gives me the time of day.

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