(Christophe Delorne) French Moms and Missed Opportunities

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A/n: Thank you to everyone who has voted! This story has the most votes out of all the stories I've published on this site! (Including my original account) It's absolutely amazing and I'm glad you guys like it!

So, my attempt to make a Christophe oneshot since it's been requested. I hope you like it! I'm a bit wary on it but here ya go. (YamiBaki's Christophe oneshot was def better).

Expect Clyde, Kyle, and Tweek oneshots coming up :)

Christophe x Tennis-player!Reader


"My dear friend, you're in love," Gregory told his French buddy, giving him a nudge on his arm to snap him away from his dreamy gaze.

Christophe blinked, twice, then tore his eyes away from the (e/c) eyed beauty.

At the very moment, some classmates have come out to support _____ ______, South Park's star tennis player. The mentioned girl was in the middle of a serious competition. If she wins the whole thing, she'll get prize money and can be trained to go professional by top notch coaches. She can be part of the big leagues! She's just that amazing.

The two foreign boys sat at near the back row of the stadium. They didn't want to associate themselves with those idiots sitting near the front, unfortunately ____'s good friends, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Eric. With _____'s astounding beauty, intelligence, and overall fantastic personality, it's a shock that she had acquainted herself with... Them. It makes Gregory and Christophe gag at the thought of what those boys had dragged sweet ____ into. You can't trust them, no way!

"No way, mon ami! It'z just a mere, lil crush," Christophe scoffed while taking a drag of his cigarette. His eyes wandered back to the gorgeous gal. He didn't even care that she was dripping in sweat. It's just what athletic people do, you know? He was enticed with her movements. It was both graceful and aggressive and that itself got the French boy's heart pounding hard.

"Mere, lil crush, my arse!" Gregory chortled. "You had your eyes on her since forever! Just ask her out, doesn't hurt to try." Christophe let out a puff of smoke, inwardly groaning at his persistent friend.

Ok, sure, he was completely smitten when he first laid eyes on her. He could tell she was absolutely extraordinary by one glance. Her luscious (h/c) hair, her sparkling (e/c) eyes, her innocent yet confident expression she had when she entered their classroom. Everything about her captivated him. She was always on his mind. He's completely crazy for her.

But he can't admit that or Gregory would go bonkers at the news. No way he's going to give his friend the smug satisfaction.

"And that's game! ____ _____ wins and she will be in the finals," The announcer proclaimed. The South Park side of the stadium cheered abruptly for their star. _____ couldn't feel any more thankful for all the people that has come out to support her. She reached over the net and shook hands with her competitor, giving her a smile.

"Good job, you were great," she told the other tennis player sweetly. The blonde haired girl, however, returned a fake smile and let go of her hand immediately. She turned away with her nose stuck up in the air and walked back to the bench that had her belongings. "Wow, what a sore loser."

She strolled over to where her tennis bag lay and started setting up to go. Thank goodness she didn't screw up... Yikes, and with Christophe watching?

The fact that her crush had come over to support her as well made her heart flutter.

"_____!" She turned her head towards the yells of four of her friends. She glimpsed up at the stands to see if a particular frenchie was still here... No luck.

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