(Kenny McCormick/ Mysterion) A Hero's Romance PART 1

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___ = name

(h/c) = hair color

Here's a two parter for the character that I am seriously addicted over. Yikes.


"Hey, you guys remember my cousin, ____, right? She visited us three years ago," Stan told his three friends. Each of them nodded as the (h/c) girl popped into their minds. The first time ____ came to visit the Marsh family, she instantly became a part of their wacky group.

"Yeah, dude. What about her?" Kyle asked him.

"Oh, she's coming to visit! We need to make her feel welcome when she arrives, you know? She might need to be reacquainted with you all again since she hasn't been here for a while," the raven haired boy explained with a small smile. His blue eyes shifted to the boy in the orange parka. "And no funny business, Kenny."

The blonde smirked at the memory of first meeting ____. He was completely smitten by her beauty. He, of course, tried to flirt with her and get her number but had been shut down immediately. Even though he's been rejected quite brutally, they've managed to just stay as friends. Of course, neither him, Kyle, and Eric haven't conversed with Stan's cousin since she last visited.

"Hey, no guarantees buddy," Kenny chuckled.

"So when's the bitch coming?" Cartman questioned without a filter for his brain.

"Don't call her a bitch, Cartman!" Stan retaliated defensively. "And she's coming tomorrow morning. All of you should come over to my house around nine so we can all greet her."

"Sounds good to me," Kenny and Kyle replied in unison.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," the chubby boy said right after.

The boys continued on watching their favorite show, the Terrance and Phillip Show. Once the clock struck eight, Kenny hopped off the couch. "Ok, you guys. I have to get going," he told his friends.

"Alright dude, see you tomorrow," they responded, still lazing around.

Kenny left the Cartman house and made his way home. He felt a wave of relief that his friends no longer asked him why he had been gone more and more during the nighttime. The only reason being that... He has to protect the town.

Even though it has been years when he first started this persona, he is still Mysterion. With a bit of altering to his costume, he wore it proudly and saved lives every time South Park is in danger. And trust him, South Park is always in danger. Every night, he would change into his costume and go off into the night to stop any crime. Sometimes, he would have his costume with him in his backpack whenever it's necessary.

In a way, he has become South Park's official superhero.


"Oh thank you, Mysterion!" The crying woman told the boy, clutching onto her purse in a death grip. He just saved this random lady from some bag snatcher, who is now writhing on the ground in pain. "Please, let me repay you in some way!"

"No, your safety is enough, ma'am. Just get on home while I deal with this crook," the hero told her in a deep voice. The woman gave him a thankful grin and walked away down the sidewalk. "C'mon asshole, to jail for you." The man groveled as Mysterion tied his hands together in case he does anything funny.

He dragged him along, not caring that the bad guy is getting scratched up.

"Get back here, you fucker!"

He stopped and looked up to the top of the buildings as that was where he heard the abrupt shout. He could see two shadow figures, one chasing after the other, on the roofs of the buildings. "What the hell?" He muttered to himself. He quickly tied the snatcher to a nearby bench so that he can follow after the two.

"Whoa, dude. You can't just leave me here, man!" The crook sputtered out. He pulled at the tight ropes in hopes to be free.

"I'll be back to deal with you later," Mysterion snarled at him. He gave him a hard whack to the head to leave him unconscious. He doesn't need him to cause a ruckus while he's gone.

He climbed up to the rooftops and ran right twenty feet after them. He could clearly see that the one chasing the other was a girl and the one being chased was a guy. "Hey you two! Stop!" Of course, Mysterion's demand was not going to be followed. He picked up his speed and he was nearly close to the girl.

From behind, he saw the girl throw something. Whatever object it was made the guy trip and fall roughly to the ground. "Haha, bitch! I caught you!" The girl approached the guy and punched him straight in the jaw.

"Whoa! Wait a minute!" Mysterion yanked the girl away, much to her disliking. "What is going on here?"

In the dim lighting from the moon, he could see her (h/c) hair pulled up into a bun. She wore some kind of cloth over her face, only showing her eyes, in which he couldn't tell the color in the darkness. She wore some kind of costume herself, in which she had very nice curves, he will admit. "Why would I tell you? This is not your business." She tore her arm away from him with such aggression.

"It is my business since this is my town," Mysterion told her with narrowed eyes.

The girl quickly grasped onto the front of his cape, pulling him close to her. "Look asshole, I don't care. That asshole over here is my problem, not yours!" She growled while pointing back.

He glanced over her shoulder. "What asshole?"

The girl's eyes widened and she whipped her head behind her. The guy was completely gone. She looked back at Mysterion, rage in her eyes. "You distracted me!" She had two hands on him. "Do you know what you just did?! He fucking got away!" She pushed him away from her.

"Look, who are you?" He asked.

"The bitch you will regret messing with. C'mon, let's go." From out of no where, she took out two small swords. She spun them in her hands effortlessly. This certainly grasped Mysterion's attention.

"Really? You're going to fight me?" He chortled out like it was a joke.

"What? You think I'm kidding around? Since you let my target get away, you're just gonna have to be my new target," she told him with venom dripping in her voice. She advanced at him, trying to strike him at his chest.

She was fast, but he had light feet too. He easily avoided the attack. "Look, you don't have to do this." Another attempt to slash at him. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Aw, how sweet. Makes it easier for me to deal with you." She continued on trying to get him. Left, right, dodge, swipe. She managed to cut him a couple times but nothing he couldn't handle. What he didn't know though was that he was backing up too much towards the edge of the building. The girl noticed and she stopped. "Wait a minute."

Mysterion smirked and took a couple more steps backwards. "What? Can't do it anymore?" He teased her.

"No seriously, stop!" She gasped. She reached out to grab him but it was too late. Mysterion fell backwards off the six story building. "NO!"

He fell with a laugh leaving his lips. "So, this is how I end the night," he thought to himself.

Then with a crack, there was darkness.

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