(Mike Makowski) The Foreign Exchange Student

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A/n: Oh man, I feel like I ended this oneshot like crap. But bear with me please! This started out pretty great though, I was definitely very inspired... for obvious reasons. 

I realized that I have been anime characters in my oneshots lately XD I am so damn weak. But, this one is SO OBVIOUS. I have a soft spot for this character though, the ending is NOT how I see that character. The character is a precious baby that did no wrong and deserves all the happiness in the world. 

There will be another oneshot either after this one or the next that will also have an anime character. Ugh. I couldn't help myself. But, of course, if y'all don't mind it, I might continue doing it XD

But, yeah, I hope you guys like this. I feel like every character in here is VERY ooc, so please forgive me for that T__T I think I still have trouble writing these people.

Mike x Goth!Reader


The boy walked into the classroom, a nervous expression on his handsome features. I found myself oddly staring at the new kid as he spoke to our teacher briefly. He was fairly tall, he had an eye patch on but the other eye was a magnificent, midnight black color, and his shaggy hair was as white as snow. He was absolutely attractive.

I cursed under my breath at my mushy thoughts. How conformist of me!

But I couldn't bring myself to look away from the angelic-like guy as he stood shyly at the front of the room. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one in class that found him as hot as I did. Around me, girls murmured amongst themselves in a giggly manner, no doubt that they were discussing with one another about the new kid. I sighed in agitation, deeply annoyed that I had to be surrounded by hysterical idiots.

"Good morning class, I would like to introduce you our newest member of South Park High. He transferred all the way from Tokyo, Japan," our teacher announced, patting the chiffon haired boy’s shoulder. "Go ahead and tell them your name."

"H-Hello, my name is Kaneki Ken... Or actually rather, Ken Kaneki," the new kid introduced himself in somewhat broken English. An audible, dreamy sigh rounded the room at the sound of his Japanese accent.

"Ugh, like, kill me," Michael, my fellow goth, groaned in the desk behind me after the introduction. "This damn class is going to gush about the new kid until the end of the school year. I can't believe you dragged me to class, (F/n)."

I craned my neck to look back at the curly haired boy. "Hey, I fucking hate this as much as you do but they're going to expel us if we don't come to class. And they prohibited us from hanging out at our spots during class time," I hissed at him in a quiet yet firm voice. He let out a growl at my answer.

Trust me, I wasn't pleased either, but we had to go.

"I don't know about you, but I'm very glad you are able to come to class, Lady (F/n)." I averted my dark, (e/c) gaze at the boy who sat in the desk to the right of me. I glared at him menacingly for the simple audacity of him talking to me.

"Shut up, Vampir," I snarled at the vampire leader, the very boy who had a crush on me since second grade.

He pouted at my harsh words, his fake teeth poking out of his lips from doing so. "So feisty! When are you ever going to become my beloved, immortal queen?"


"Ken, please go ahead and sit in the open seat in front of (F/n)," our teacher called out, his dull eyes focused on me. He also pointed his slender, crooked finger at my direction, causing me to feel uncomfortable with the amount of attention I'm suddenly receiving from classmates around me.

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