(Michael the Tall Goth) Merry Conformist Christmas

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A/n: It's belated but I guess I'm still in that ho ho holiday spirit. 

Again, I probably made the goths WAY TOO OOC. I feel like I'm getting even more worse writing the Goths in my oneshots. Honestly. Jeez. I'm just not good at this AT ALL. This is probably why every goth oneshot, I haven't made the reader goth. Maybe one day I will... one day.

I would advise for you guys to read my first Michael oneshot since this one is actually a bit of an continuation of it. Honestly, I think you can go by not reading it and still understand this oneshot. But, uh, yeah, go read the first one.

AND, I am not taking in any requests right now! I am going to take a small break from this and do my other projects I need to write more for, which is my own South Park story and a Dylan O'Brien story I'm currently typing on my other account. So, I probably won't type any oneshots for a while (this includes my Free! and Haikyuu!! oneshot series if any of you are reading those too.) I might also start another story soon. Anyone here up for a Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji story?

Anyway, vote this up and comment. Anything is much appreciated! 


The visible smoke swirled around in front of the eldest goth as he took a last drag of his cigarette. He threw the bud onto the concrete ground and stomped on it to cease the fire. The curly-haired boy continued his walk to (F/n), his girlfriend's, house. He kept her Christmas present safely in his black coat pocket, ready to hand it to her in due time. It's been a week since he bought the gift but he didn't dare to give it to her too early.

He turned onto the driveway of the familiar house and stood at their front door. He knocked the door three times and waited for a response. Unfortunately, it wasn't his girlfriend who answered the door. "Ah! Lil Mikey, hello!" (F/n)'s older sister of three years greeted him in an annoyingly joyful tone.

"Azalea, please. I prefer not to be called by that. It is the same name of that vampire freak and I'd rather not have such a conformist nickname," Michael grumbled out in irritation. "I've told you this many times before."

The older girl pouted as she gazed at him, now in deep thought. "Have you always been this tall? I remember when you used to be shorter than me," she pointed out. With her hand, she compared her height to his. "Jeez, almost five inches taller than me!"

"Can I come in?" Michael asked her finally.

She blinked in realization that she have not let the boy inside the house yet. "Oh, yeah. Of course!" She took a step to the side to make some room for Michael to enter the house.

"(F/n)'s here, right?" He asked her, his dark eyes drifting over to the stairs as he set his cane down next to the row of umbrellas that stood next to the door.


He whipped his head towards her. "What? She told me she was home." He started making his way towards the door.

Azalea stifled a laugh as she blocked the front door. "Dude, I was kidding. Of course, (F/n)'s home. She's in her room," she told him. Michael let out an annoyed grunt for being tricked so easily. He turned once again and made his way up the stairs. "But just so you know, Michael, she's probably very occupied right now!" The goth didn't dare to look back at the foolish girl as she went into a fit of giggles. He rolled his eyes and continued his walk to (F/n)'s room.

His hand reached to knock on her door until he heard his girlfriend talking inside. He kept quiet to listen to what she could be possibly be babbling about. "What? No! Baby, don't do that to me," (F/n)'s voice was heard on the other side of the door along with a muffled low voice. Michael stiffened at her tone of desperation and worry. Who could she be talking to?? "Why do you have to be so perfect?"

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