(Gregory) Haven't Grown Out of Love

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Anyway, yeah! Look at me, guys :D I'm able to update after all! 

Ok, for this oneshot, it's a bit different than my other ones because I made this for all the SP kids to be around in their twenties. I'm thinking fresh out of college? Idk, it's a new twist of things and I hope that's alright. (... Ok, I kinda wanted to write something like this for a while and this was my excuse. Shhh, let a woman be, ey?)

I feel like this whole oneshot has been in all one rabble of words. It's my brain puke. I'm iffy about how all of you will think about this one but... take it. Also, now my story is Rated R because of this oneshot... so if you're wary about that too, you don't have to read this. It does contain a little violence and A LOT of cussing.

I am almost done with my Token oneshot too so that will come after this shortly :)

Gregory x Detective!Reader


Just kill me now.


(F/n) (L/n) hummed sweetly at the mustachioed man, Ramone was his name, sitting next to her at the bar. One of his hands left light, butterfly strokes on her exposed right leg, as she was wearing a quite revealing, black dress that would make any man go completely insane. “Sweetheart, you look absolutely stunning tonight,” he murmured in a half-drunken state. The (h/c) haired beauty gave him a smile before taking a sip of her martini. “Where did a goddess like you been all my life?”

“Oh, just around,” she replied, trying to give him her best seductive gaze. She leaned forward, purposely leaving her hand on his thigh. “But, here I am.” As much as it disgusted her, she knew she was arousing him. All part of the plan… “Do you usually hang around swanky places like this?”

The two of them were currently in a very fancy bar where you can receive any alcoholic drink you want. There was classy music playing to set the mood of the dimly lit place. Of course, there were extra rooms in the back for those special cases. “Oh, sometimes. Not all the time though but I’m glad I came here tonight.”

Oh god, save me from this torture.

“Aww, you’re too sweet, honey,” (F/n) said, resting her hand on the table, in which he gently placed his own on top. She flinched a bit but didn’t pull away. She has got to keep it in. She can’t blow anything yet. “So, I’ve heard a couple things from you.” The man’s dark brows rose in acknowledgement. “A business man of a certain sort one of my sources says.”

“Oh, so you heard…”

“Don’t worry, Ramone,” she added in quickly. “I would love to see what you have…”

“Ah, I wouldn’t think a little beauty like you would be into that kind of stuff,” he responded. His fingers now traced around on the back of her hand. (F/n) shuddered but, again, kept it in. “I can show you right now. I have some men bringing it in for me. You do know this comes with a high price, my dear? Although, I will be able to give a discount if you’re willing to… do something else.”

Yeah, like punching you square on the jaw? (F/n) smirked at him, “I would love to put up with that offer.”

“Wonderful. This way, sweetheart.” The two of them stood up from their stools. Ramone took a big gulp of his beer before taking (F/n)’s hand.

(F/n) secretly glanced over to her left and locked eyes with a particular chestnut haired man. She nodded at him and mouthed, “Ten minutes.” He returned a swift nod and took a sip of his beer.

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