(Pete the Redheaded Goth vs. Mike Makowski) The Vampire or the Goth? PART 2

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A/n: Second and final part of this request! I would like to apologize again for making the characters a bit ooc and the fact that I threw in my OC into the story even when I didn't have to. I'm weak when it comes to my darling babies, I think I've established this XD

I'm now currently typing up a Gregory oneshot so watch out for that one!


It's been two weeks since my mother's car crash. During those weeks, she had fallen into a coma, so everyday I've been visiting her after school with a slim chance she would wake up while I'm there. Thankfully, Pete have been such a great person and accompanied me so I wouldn't be bored within visiting hours.

I haven't talked to Mike after that Monday we argued. Guilt have been eating up inside of me but this was something I can't back down from. If he truly doesn't care for me as much as to try to fix anything for our friendship... Then, I'm going to have to move on. It was a difficult choice to accept but I can't keep being neglected by him any longer. Best friend or not, this was a decision I need to pull through with.

I have been hanging out with Pete a lot more and I've grown to really like him. For some odd reason, Michael, Henrietta, and Firkle were ok with me hanging out with their group. They didn't try to change me out of my conformist ways, which was a shock. It was a decent friendship between me and the goths and it helped me cope. I had no clue if I was gradually becoming a goth herself but at this point, I wouldn't mind hanging out with them every day. Our newfound relationship actually caused some gossip to go around the school that I had finally cracked over my mother's accident and turned goth. Well, I am just going to let the idiots think whatever they want. This wasn't an insult, not in the slightest.

"Hey, (F/n)! Can I talk to you?" I glanced up to the person that interrupted the conversation I was currently having with the goths. I hopped onto my feet instantly when I noticed it was actually Malia, a childhood friend of mine that I have drifted away from. The last time I probably talked to her was maybe three months ago when we bumped into each other in my favorite store at the mall.

I glimpsed over at the goths and told them, "I'll be back quick, alright?" All four of them nodded. Malia and I walked out farther into South Park High's outdoor lounging area. We made sure to pick a spot that we could talk privately to each other. "How have you been?" I asked her with a warm smile. "Anything new in your life?"

She returned the grin. "I've been doing great actually." A blush dusted along her cheeks as she averted her eyes away from me. "Well, for the new part, I am actually dating someone. If that's ever big news, haha."

"That's wonderful news, Malia!" I cheered, shaking her shoulders. "Who's the lucky kid?"

"It's, er..." She leaned in close and whispered their name into my ear.

Once pulling away, I gaped at her and gave her a light smack on her shoulder. "No way! Really?" The short brunette nodded her head, her cheeks getting redder. "I'm so happy for you! I hope you two last long."

"I do too," she beamed. "Oh! Well, as lovely this chat is, I had a reason to talk to you today. It's about Mikey."

I scoffed at the mention of my ex-best friend. "Don't you mean, Vampir?" I grumbled while crossing my arms.

She shot me a saddened look. "He's absolutely miserable without you, (F/n)," she told me.

"How do you know?" I questioned her.

"Well, I do talk to him from time to time," Malia admitted while rubbing the back of her neck. "I talked to him yesterday and he was going on and on about how he missed you and wants to apologize to you... But you keep avoiding him and hanging out with the goth kids." Malia shuffled her feet uncomfortably. "Since Pete hangs around you basically everywhere you go, Mike hasn't had the chance to say sorry recently."

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