(Kenny McCormick) The Warrior and the Princess

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A/n: I realized after typing all of this that it's filled with a lot of Stan and not enough Kenny... But, uh, I kinda like this anyway.

AND I'm a complete piece of poop for wanting to make YET ANOTHER Kenny oneshot cuz I felt inspired. So, that one might come after this one, or after the King Douchebag oneshot I had in mind. Just heads up.

Sooner or later, I might make a South Park story consisting of three or four of my SP OCs cuz I think it would be fun to make their lives real for once. So, please support that one too, if y'all can?

Anyway, here it is. Very Stick of Truth inspired.

"Let me do something. Why am I playing when I can't do shit?" (F/n) huffed grumpily with crossed arms. She stood by the High Jew Elf's throne, glowering intensely at her king. "The Grand Wizard probably would have let me do something."

"You do not talk about the enemy in my presence without any permission, unless you are insulting him for being a Fatass," Kyle snickered over to her while holding his golf club firmly in his right hand. (F/n) rolled her eyes. His face softened as he noticed her displeased expression. "Look, I know you want to do something worthwhile Maiden (F/n), but Warrior Stan will have my head if you ever get hurt."

The two of them glanced over at the raven haired boy, who fought skillfully at the kingdom's own training area with a few other elves. Of course, none of them could compare to Stan's high levels. Easily, he was able to defeat them all without any difficulties. "My cousin should grow some balls and not be such a damn baby," (F/n) grumbled lowly.

Sure, she felt like she was being a baby herself by complaining, but what's the point in joining the game if you are demanded to do nothing? She wants to fight along in the army, get her hands dirty. All she has done is heal a couple warriors and sit around doing absolutely nothing. This does not sound like a good time to the (e/c) eyed maiden. She also does love Stan, but the way he's always a bit overprotective is annoying the hell out of her.

"My liege, please. I have a sword rusting away! I should at least practice in case the kingdom is under attack!" She begged the redheaded king, putting her hands together and giving him the best puppy dog eyes.

"Can you stop that? ...Fine! I give you permission to train but I will not come in between you and Warrior Stan if he starts to reject the idea," The High Jew Elf told her in defeat.

The puppy dog eyes always work with everyone. Just one of (F/n)'s specialties.

"Yay! Thank you, Kyle-- Ahem-- I mean, my king," she said as she swiped out her sword from the holster from her belt.

"If you don't mind me asking, Maiden (F/n), where did you get such a weapon? It's quite high leveled," Kyle asked her, suspiciously eyeing her magnificent sword. Usually, beginners of the game would get a complimentary wooden weapon, rightfully for the type of class you first choose.

"You should respect a woman's privacy, my king," (F/n) smirked as she walked over to the training area. She shook her head in disapproval at some of the elves fighting. Those boys should, by the least, know how to hold their weapon. Seriously disappointing.

Stan spotted his cousin nearing the training area, gesturing the elves to take a break. Much to their pleasure, they accepted and staggered off. "Hello, Maiden (F/n), dear relative. What's up?" He asked her with a warm smile.

(F/n) returned it. She glanced at the sparring dummies standing on their wooden poles. "I've decided to train a bit," she told him. She definitely wants to show off her skills.

The one secret she's been keeping for the Elven Kingdom was that she has been training on her own this whole time. While it's time to go home or whenever she has the free time, she would go to her backyard and train inside the shed that kept all of her family's holiday decorations. Sadly, this year, the Frosty the Snowman wooden standee won't be out for Christmas... His head may have been sliced off.

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