(Gregory of Yardale) Mistletoes

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A/n: Woo! Three oneshots published in one day! *Pats myself on the back* Man, am I proud! Although, I'm sorry to say that I couldn't find whoever requested this oneshot to me. Like, I tried looking for your comment but I lost it for some reason? I'm terribly sorry I won't be able to dedicate to whoever did request this!

This oneshot was heavily inspired by some au ideas from Tumblr. 

Happy reading and happy holidays!


"So you're totes going to come over, right?"

I tapped my fingers along my desk of my bedroom. I've been staring at myself intently in my body mirror as I did this, deeply contemplating my decision to come to Bebe Steven's holiday party or not tonight. I could just stay home and watch my favorite shows and whatever I want. But, Bebe's parties are always ones people at school look forward to every year. I would be deemed loser by friends and classmates if I don't go.

Maybe I can stay for a few minutes. "Yeah, I'll be there, don't worry," I told Bebe over the phone.

A cheerful shriek came out of my small speakers, making my ears ring. "Yay, I'm so glad! I'll see you here, (F/n)." I then hung up my phone once sharing goodbyes. I glanced at the time and saw I have about an hour to get ready for the party.

I take a quick shower, dry and fix up my hair, add some makeup, and put on my outfit. My outfit consists of an ugly Christmas sweater. I mean, it's a given, right? A lot of people are going to wear ugly Christmas sweaters, I'm sure.

Once it was time, I made my way over to Bebe’s house, which was a ten minute walk from mine. Her driveway and the street were littered with cars and the windows of her house flashed lights of red, green, and white. Without a doubt, the Christmas party was in full swing.

I let myself into the home, since the door was already unlocked for guests. I am positive that the whole school was here, maybe also some people from other schools. With the main lights dimmed low, sporadic lights swirling, a mixture of normal and Christmas songs blasting out of speakers, the smell of alcohol, pine trees, and smoke hung in the air, many decorations placed around the house, and lots of people dancing; this was definitely a Bebe Steven’s party.

I barely take one step more into a house when I hear my name being called. “(F/n)!” From the living room, I spotted three girls approaching me, which were Wendy, Bebe, and Nichole. I smile over at them and wave. “Oh my god, what are you wearing?” the curly-haired blonde asked me, eying my sweater.

I quickly glimpsed down at my festive outfit and looked back at the girls. “What? It’s Christmas time! It’s, like, a tradition to wear ugly Christmas sweaters.” I then noticed their outfits. Each of the girls were dressed up in outfits of red, green, and white. They were attractive, party-ready outfits with a Christmas flare to it. My eyes darted over to other people around us.

No one else was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater.

I felt my cheeks burn at the revelation. “Oh jeez, maybe I should just head home and change,” I muttered out in embarrassment.

“No! Just stay,” Nichole interjected with a warm smile. “Plus, it shows how much holiday spirit you have. I kinda wish I wore my Christmas sweater.”

“Yeah, and we’re about to start a few games in the backyard, if you’re up to it,” Wendy told me.

“Er, fine. Let’s go,” I sighed in defeat. The three girls cheered.

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