(Kenny McCormick) You're Just My Type

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A/n: Ha, here it is everyone! Precious, perverted blond for all of you! I kind of had a bit of writer's block halfway through, but finally I finished, plus this is pretty lengthy! 

Craig Tucker oneshot will be last and will come soon.

PLEASE don't request anymore! I am closed right now.

Kenny x Goth!Reader


That is definitely the same guy.

How could it be?

I saw him with my very eyes. I remember very well of the splash of blood and the sickening smell that followed with it. The sad, muffled scream... I didn't dream all of that. He died in front of me!

But, he's right there!

"(F/n), did you hear me?" I glimpsed up at my homeroom teacher, my eyes averting away from the familiar orange jacket. "You may go ahead and sit down. Unless you want to tell us more about yourself?"

"Pass," I scoffed. I walked over to the only open desk and sat down. Unfortunately for me, I was seated far away from the boy. I inwardly groaned at my complicated situation. I need to know for sure that he was the same one, the one I've met at vacation all those years ago and developed a close bond with, the only one that made me smile that week we were there... Then dying the day before vacation ended.

He... Kenny... didn't look like he remembered me. I wouldn't be surprised. My (h/c) hair was now dyed black, I wore thick dark makeup, and to top it all off, everything I wore were black. I was far from what I looked like when I first met the blond boy.

I let out a sigh as the homeroom teacher drawled on about upcoming activities and other reminders. I placed my head into my hand as I let my mind wander off. Thankfully, it didn't take too much longer for homeroom to finish. With the bell finally releasing us, I picked up my black bag and started to leave the the room. But as I stepped out of the classroom, I was blocked by a group of girls, all so undeniably preppy and... Conformist.

Unamused, I narrowed my (e/c) eyes at all of them. "Can you Barbies get out of my fucking way?" I grumbled at the three girls.

The redhead of them, sneered at me with a nasty glare. "Look emo freak, let's get straight to the point. You should know your place in this school. Trying to cross any lines will not be tolerated here."

"What the fuck is this? Some cliche high school movie?" I scoffed. "Trust me, I don't plan on making friends with conformists like you. Plus, I'm not fucking emo, I'm goth." With so little patience left, I shoved past the girls and stalked off. The way each of them gasped over dramatically, made me roll my eyes in irritation.

Finally looking up so to know where I was walking, I caught the gaze of mesmerizing, sapphire orbs. I winced at my own thoughts. Mesmerizing? What the fuck.

Kenny looked straight at me with eyes filled with mild curiosity. I quickly shifted my gaze away, my face unusually warm. To the side though, I see two kids, one boy and one girl, walking my way. They looked just like me. No doubt, they must be goth. "Hey, we saw you with those conformists earlier," the girl told me. "You handled that well."

"I guess," I shrugged. "Good to know not everyone is a conformist here."

"Yeah. Can't help but notice... Is that a Cthulhu keychain?" The male pointed out, looking at my bag.

"It is," I answered.

"Want to hang out with us?" He offered, catching me by surprise. "We're about to go outside and have a smoke."

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