(Kenny McCormick) Five Queen Songs of My Life

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A/n: This is probably one of the fastest I've ever typed up a oneshot. I'm quite proud of myself.

This oneshot is mainly just something for myself but I hope you all like it anyway! I love Queen and while listening to some songs, I got very inspired to write this. I recommend listening to the songs I have listed below!

Also, please don't mind the fact I'm just throwing my OCs all over the place. Whoops. They're my babies and I want them displayed on a pedestal XD Remember the Felix I wrote about in my Michael (curly goth) oneshot? The Felix in this oneshot is more like my OC. I swear, he isn't an asshole.

Anyways, here we roll. I would love it if y'all comment how I did on this particular oneshot! I feel like this is one of my best oneshots actually.

1. We Are the Champions

I grinned up at the roaring audience who cheered manically from the bleachers. I gave my all-girl band a nod as we began Halftime with our specialty. "Everyone, c'mon! Stomp your feet and clap your hands. Like this!" I announced into the microphone while stomping on the ground twice, followed with one clap. "You know it!" The South Park side of the stadium began to follow the command, making my insides feel warm from the sight. Even from behind me, the rival team's supporters, did it too.

My band began to sing in harmony to the iconic song of We Will Rock You, pumping excitement into everyone in the football stadium.

This was one of my jobs. My band and I get to perform in every home game for South Park High's football. It was such a thrilling opportunity. I'm ever so thankful for the school for giving us this actual paying job.

My band consisted with three of my gal friends. Vivian at the drums, Joney at the bass, and Malia with the main guitar. I would occasionally do keyboard but today, I didn't need it. When we started our band, it was only for fun and as tribute to one of our favorite bands, Queen. We didn't expect this whole thing to become quite popular, in our opinion. But now that we're here, we feel so grateful for the luck of it all.

The crowd screamed in glee as we finished the song. "Thank you! Now, let us continue on with game, shall we?" I said into the microphone.

The four of us rushed off the field and was greeted with the South Park football team, most we are actually friends with. "Damn, you don't disappoint, girls," Token told us with a grin.

"Thank you, we try," I smirk at the boys. "Now kick their asses out there, right?"

"After y'all's performance? I'm ready to kill it," Kenny replied. He swooped me up in his arms and twirled me around, making my heart skip a beat. "We feel so pumped, thanks."

"Alright, boys! Let's go get em!" Stan shouted, earning a round of cheers from his teams. They all hurried onto the field, ready to play and kick ass.

We lugged our instruments onto the benches and sat, ready to cheer on for our team. "Chica, you should tell Kenny how you feel," Vivian told me once we finally settled. Both Joney and Malia nodded along agreeing, followed by giggles.

I felt my face heat up at my friends' urging about my crush. "I promise y'all, he does not feel the same way."

"Now, how do you really know that? Of course, he's not going to gush about his love life to us. Maybe we can ask the guys?" Malia suggested.

"If you want, you can. I'm not going to do shit," I murmured with a huff.

"Aww, sweet pea, that's no fun!" Joney muttered as she moved her bass guitar so it leaned against the bench standing. "Look at Vivian. She ended up telling Cartman how she truly felt about him and look where she is! Happy." Joney's topaz eyes landed on the Latina with brows knitted together. "Still a surprise how that all really happened."

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