(Craig Tucker) Broken and Delicate

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A/n: Aaaaaand, last of the requests! This is a pretty lengthy oneshot, I hope that's alright with you all! Also, all of it is in Craig's POV, just heads up!

WARNING: Suicide mention, depression mention, and Craig is really OOC. I know this kind of stuff can make people uncomfortable.

Well, that's it from me for now! I hope you enjoy!


(F/n) (L/n).

So delicate... So broken.

That was her. The one usually with her (h/c), (h/l) locks tucked away in the hood of her jacket. The one with the once vibrant (e/c) orbs that are now as dull and sullen like stormy clouds. The girl that once brought a smile to everyone's faces just by her mere, angelic laugh or her admiring personality. All it took was one day for everything to falter. One day for the girl I fell in love with to change.

It was subtle at first. No one really noticed the small hints of sadness in her smile nor how her voice was less joyous than before.

I did.

But I didn't dare say anything because I could've been wrong. That maybe I was reading too much into her actions; maybe I was so damn in love with her that the tiniest thing can put me into major concern. It hurts so much now to know that I could've prevented her pain. I wish I mentioned something earlier. I wish I talked to her back then from the beginning.

But I was in my own selfish world and I was afraid.

"Say, what ever happened to (F/n)?"

My ears prickled at the name. Freshman year, supposedly a brand new start from people that graduated from junior high. Although, not all people get that golden opportunity.

"What are you blabbing on about, asshole?" I grumbled over at Clyde. It was lunchtime and it was me, him, Token, Jimmy, and Tweek all at one table. One that was to the side but close enough to the neighboring tables to chat with others.

"Well... You know, after seventh grade... She kind of changed."

No, it was during sixth grade, dumbass, I thought. I bit down my tongue and replied with something else. "And?"

The jock shifted uncomfortably in his seat after noticing my cold gaze. He popped a chicken nugget into his mouth, probably to avert the attention away from him. Much to my displeasure, Jimmy brought back the topic. "I-I-I get what ya m-m-mean, C-Clyde," he stuttered. "(F/n) wasn't the same one we all knew from elementary school. Sh-She kind of b-b-b-became a loner."

"Yeah, and because of that, she's being bullied by some of the girls," Token muttered, shaking his head sympathetically.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. "What are you talking about?"

"Dude, did you not know?" Clyde piped up again with a genuine, surprised tone. "It's not like they bully her every single day but it's been a shit ton! I got no idea why but one time, I've seen Red slap her across the face! (F/n) didn't even fight back!"

"What?" I growled with a scowl. Instantly, I could feel my blood boiling with anger. I wanted to punch something... Someone but that, I can't do.

"Oh yeah! I was just passing by. It happened behind the bleachers just during football practice. Remember that day when coach held me back to do five laps around the track? I saw them right there! (F/n) was having her shit handed to her, like, no damn mercy! I was sure that slap left a mark on her cheek the rest of the day--"

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