(Craig Tucker) My Dear Protector

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A/n: yaaaaaay, a Craig Tucker one shot! I've been meaning to make another one because Craig is actually my second favorite character (Kenny being the first).

The premiere episode of South Park was VERY enjoyable. I loved it so much! I wished that they had Craig or Tweek somewhere in the episode and that Kenny had more talking scenes. Oh well, next Wednesday here we come!

Warning: Tweek x OC (because I'm weak and I love my SP OCs to death)


The (h/c) haired beauty stood at the front of the classroom, her eyes slightly to the side, not once trying to make eye contact with anyone. "Alright, ya wusses, we have a new student to South Park High," Coach Haynes announced to his history class, his second one of the day. The football coach gave a welcoming smack to the back of the new girl, catching her off guard. She slightly lost her step but maintained it once again but this didn't help her embarrassed, flushing demeanor. "What's your name?"

The girl recollected herself and her expression changed back to a calm one. "I'm (F/n) (L/n)," she introduced herself to her fourth class of the day. She was definitely tired of being presented in front of the class and telling them their name. As what she has seen, she has noticed a few same faces in each one and she was sure they were getting tired of this too. "Nice to meet y'all."

The class was barely audible when they said their greetings to the new girl, except for the select few that seem to excited to be in school. "Oh, c'mon! You all need to make her feel warm and welcomed!" Their history teacher exclaimed, jolting everyone in surprise with his booming voice. The class roared louder, shocking the new girl with their sudden participation. This caused the coach to chortle. "Awesome! Alright, (F/n), go ahead and sit in any seat you see and I'll start the lesson."

(F/n) gave him a slight nod and shuffled her way to the open desk in the second row, in front of a boy wearing a blue chullo hat. She settled into her chair and took out her supplies to ready herself for class. What she didn't expect was to overhear a couple male voices conversing about her. She knew it was her because... Well, she was the only new kid.

"Dude, she's fucking hot," she heard a voice say, slightly muffled through something. She racked her brains to a particular, hooded boy. She was sure that was probably the one speaking in a failed whisper. "She's in my first class, too. I'm so damn lucky."

"Oh yeah? I have her in my second and third class. Every time she had to be introduced in front of the class, I go friggin crazy. Have you seen her rack?" Another boy responded. (F/n) tensed instantly to his words. Do they not realize that they're not being so discreet with their talk right now? She could tell that they must be only a couple rows behind her. She lowered her head and snapped her attention to her teacher, who was now teaching the class about World War 2.

"Hell yeah. I would do anything to motorboat those knockers!" (F/n) cringed to the statement. She was only in South Park for a day and a half and she was already encountering this? Freaking ridiculous.

"Mmm, yeah. Same, dude."

"Hey, assholes!" A new voice caught her focus, along with everyone else in the room. She turned her head towards the owner of the voice and found it was just from the boy behind her with startling, stormy blue eyes glued to the two boys sitting in the corner of the room. "Shut the fuck up," he shouted over to them. (F/n)'s eyes darted over to the victims, the blonde in an orange parka jacket (she guessed that one right) and the brunette with a red letterman.

"Craig Tucker! Did you just say what I think you said in my class?" Coach Haynes bursted, clearly fumed that someone dared to interrupt him with such inappropriate words.

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