(King Douchebag) Homecoming

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A/n: HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE. It's been a while since I typed a SP oneshot! Who missed this???... (cricket sounds)...Oh, well. Ok.

But seriously, yay. I still enjoy typing South Park oneshots, for realzies. I'm gonna try to get back into it since the new season will premiere on SEPT 24!! I'm so excited!!! This is going to be my first that I'll be watching a SP premiere just as it's happening. *Gives myself a pat on the back*

Also, this oneshot was inspired by my highschool senior bestie who just had her homecoming dance yesterday! This one was pretty fun to write. Also, I do believe this might be the first King Douchebag oneshot that is entirely based on the Stick of Truth game. Honestly, I could have replaced his name with any other guy in the sow and it'll still be ok. Oh well! I wanted to write a King Douchebag.

Aaaaand yeah. I'll type more oneshots in the future! But I'll also be writing my Free! story too so still not as frequent.

Anyway, enjoy the oneshot!


"Who's on the homecoming court?"

"Lemme see. Lemme see!"

"The list is up! Let's look at it."

I tore my way through the bustling crowd so I could get a glimpse of the list. It was my senior year at South Park High, of course I was interested on who amongst my class was nominees for Homecoming King and Queen.

I made it to a spot that I was able to see the list. First, I looked on the boys list for possible kings. "Who's on it, (F/n)!" One of my friends, Kyle Broflovski, asked all the way in the back of the sea of classmates.

My eyes scanned the list and I began to read off, "Clyde... Token... Stan! You made it on the list." I tried to turn my head back at my raven-haired friend. I could see both Kyle and Kenny congratulating him. I smiled as I noticed the shocked look on his face. I glanced back at the list. "Oh and Dovakiin..."

Hmm. King Douchebag. Nice.

"WHAT? I'm not fucking on there?" I heard Cartman shout in anger in the distance.

"Why would people nominate you, fatass?" Kyle retaliated.

"Shut up, Jew! You weren't on it either!"

"Read the girls' list!" Kenny interjected over the argument towards me.

I gave a nod and read, "Bebe... Nichole... Wendy... And--" I froze as I gawked at the last name of the list. Once people realized, they started to congratulate me.

My name was on the list of possible homecoming queens.

I had gotten myself free from the crowd to be with my friends once again. As well as Stan, I was appalled myself. People actually nominated me to be queen. "Who the hell would nominate me?" I questioned the boys in a daze.

"Actually, I did," Kyle replied with a soft smile.

"So did I," Kenny added.

I glimpsed over at Stan and Cartman. The chestnut haired boy sighed and raised his hand. "I did."

"Well, I voted for Wendy but you were my definite next choice if I had one!" Stan told me quickly.

I smirked as I ruffled his shaggy hair. "It's ok, ya dork. We both ended up on court."

Before any of us could take a step towards our next class of the day, the speakers blasted with the voice of Mister Mackey. "Good morning kids of South Park High. I would like the following people to come to the front office: Token Black, Clyde Donovan, Dovakiin, Stan Marsh, Nichole McDaniel, Bebe Stevens, Wendy Testaburger, and (F/n) (L/n). Congrats to this year’s nominees. Go Cows!"

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