(Firkle the Kinder!Goth) The Only Conformist Thing I Like

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A/n: Man, I'm so sorry it took me about a month or so to finally get this request done! It surely did take a while, huh? But, I finally got inspired and typed this out in a manner of two or so days. It's about ten pages long in my Word Doc so it's lengthy enough, I guess.

Reader and Firkle are in junior high at this point, too, just heads up! And I'm sorry if the Goths seem too ooc. 

And also, I'm going to go delete any Author Notes on here that aren't as relevent anymore. 

AAAAAND, six chapters up now for Bittersweet. (I'm horrible and need to be stopped for self-advertising)

Anyway, enjoy fellow readers!


A lot of shit goes down in South Park. I mean, I never was one to be a part of all that chaos but I seem to always witness it. I was maybe only in kindergarten when I remember most of the 'terror'. There were colossal guinea pigs wreaking havoc, the bit with Satan and Jesus, the moment when Terrance and Philip were almost executed, the damn Stick of Truth, and many, many more. South Park doesn't give you a chance to be innocent to the truths of the world. And if you are innocent, you'll surely be teased and picked on for it.

That was my mistake. My years in elementary school was a tough one as I was constantly bullied. It's not like I turn a blind eye to everything that happens, I just happen to see the positive side of things and tend not to let many things get me down. But by the time we were going into junior high, I knew I had to leave that behind. I need to "grow up" with everyone else just so I won't be picked on any longer.

That was my plan and it seemed to have worked.

"Oi, (F/n)!" I glanced over to the familiar voice and smiled sweetly as my Canadian friend approached me. I slammed the door of my locker and turned towards him. "You ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah, let's go. I'm getting tired of this school," I chuckled as I followed after the raven haired boy out of South Park Junior High. The bell had already rung to end the day and people were more than happy to flee the school.

"Let's stop by somewhere to eat, actually. I'm starving!" Ike suggested as he rubbed his stomach with a pout. I shot him a glance, arching an eyebrow. He saw the look on my face and sighed. "The school lunch sucked today. Sue me!" He paused before asking me. "Don't tell me you actually ate that crap."

"I just sucked it up, dude," I scoffed. I hummed a bit as the thought of decent food clouded my mind. "But, honestly, food sounds nice right now."

"That's what I thought! Let's go to the Village Inn, I'm totally craving some breakfast food." I nodded my head in agreement to that.

We both walked together side by side to the restaurant. Once entering the Village Inn, a waitress led us to our table and gave us menus to look through. Barely five minutes into sitting there contemplating on what we were craving for, the door opened, taking my attention away briefly.

My heart skipped a beat when I realized who they were. Ike glanced up at me and then followed my eyes to the group that had just entered. "Oh, it's the goth kids," he mumbled out while placing his focus on the menu once again. He let out a short laugh before asking me, "Still got a thing for?--"

I simply smacked my menu to the side of his head, in which I'm sure he wasn't expecting. He yelped in surprise, gawking at me with wide blue eyes. "Jeez, Ike! Don't say things like that out loud," I hissed at him in a whisper. "Besides that was just a puppy dog crush. I've moved on."

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