(Clyde Donovan) College Life PART 2

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The weeks have passed and surprisingly, I've gotten pretty close to the brunette football player. Not once have we argued or acted like enemies. We bonded fairly quickly over eating the cookies I've successfully made and watching hilarious Canadian movies that night.

Even him calling me Princess wasn't as bad.

Nowadays whenever I see him, I would greet him with a wave. As I would've expected, my friends that I shared classes with, who knew my burning anger towards him before, were in shock. "(F/n), you sure do have this wonky relationship with Clyde," My petite friend, Malia, had told me. The two of us had just finished lunch and were on our way to (favorite subject) class that day.

I could only shrug my shoulders at her. "We're cool now," I replied with a small smile.

"At first, you don't even acknowledge each other, and then you have this heated rivalry over I don't know what, and now you two are buddy-buddy," Malia listed while counting each point on her fingers. "This is like a badly written romance novel. Before we know it, you two will be off making out somewhere to let out your sexual frustrations."

I scoffed with a laugh. "Wow, Malia. That's a bit of a long shot, don't you think?"

"Hey, I've read fan fictions like that. It can happen!" She defended herself. "I wouldn't be surprised if he liked you this whole time actually."

That conversation had been playing in my mind constantly since then. Sure, suddenly making out with someone seems a bit extreme but I couldn't help but wonder how well he kisses. I get a few opinions from a couple girls he had hooked up with and all of which have said he was fantastic.

On one hand, I should be disgusted by the fact that he's a playboy. On the other, he was the guy I never would have expected to be. He is surprisingly sensitive. He acts very genuine when he's around his friends. He is considerate. He is incredibly handsome.

What am I thinking?

He's my friend.

"What's up with Clyde, nowadays?" I heard a couple of girls a few rows behind me talk to each other. I had come to my math class early along with a few others. I continued to pretend I was looking through my notes but I paid full attention to the conversation. "He doesn't seem like his usual self."

"I know what you mean! Like, I tried talking to him two days ago and, usually, we would flirt, right? I got nothing."

"Really? I was going to ask him if he wanted to hook up later." I gagged at that. "Wait, shh, there he is. I'll try to ask him." I glimpsed up and, just like she said, Clyde had entered the classroom.

"Oh, Mister Donovan!" Our professor called out to him. The brunette stalked over to him, his hands casually in his pockets. "I wanted to tell you how proud I am. Your grades have improved immensely! Just the beginning of this semester, you were failing every quiz."

"Oh, yeah. But that's because I have an amazing tutor," Clyde answered, his eyes flickering over to me. I grinned to the fact he acknowledged that. Most guys I know would have just shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"I'm glad! Keep up the good work, Donovan. And tell your tutor thank you for me. Maybe she can tutor some other students in this class?" The professor suggested with a hopeful tone.

"Sorry, Prof, but I don't want to share her." My cheeks instantly flared at the comment. Clyde said his goodbyes to the professor and walked up to me with a wide smile. "Did ya hear that?"

"Yeah, I heard," I replied in delight. "I'm glad you're finally getting the hang of algebra."

"Yeah. Oh and, thanks from Prof," he chuckled. God, he's being way too adorable right now. "We're still up for studying later for the upcoming History test, right?" I gave him a nod. "Great."

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