(Kyle Broflovski) Being Famous Sucks

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A/n: Shiiiiiiiit, this is SO long. So, warning guys, it's almost 8,000 words. Sorry XD

But, hey, this was fun to type so I hope you guys enjoy this. Although, don't ask me why I chose the name 'Magnolia'. It's a pretty name and I decided to roll with it. Boop.

(Y/f/s) = your favorite soda
(Y/f/vg) = your favorite video game
(F/a) = favorite animal

Also, thank you so much, again, for all the views, votes, and comments. They make my day! Oh, and tell me if there are any mistakes in my stories! I'd appreciate it and change it straight away.

I may or may not make a oneshot in a while since I'm gonna get pretty busy. But we'll see. But for right now, I've been requested to do Gregory, Michael (Curly Goth) and another Kenny oneshot :)

Kyle x famous!Reader


I stared intensely at my manager straight in the eyes with crossed arms to show that I mean business. The older man huffed as he glared back at me a while longer behind his desk, his own arms crossed. "It's been ten years, Ted. I wanna do this project, I want to participate!" I growled at him, smacking my hands down on the wood.

Ted rolled his eyes as he lay back onto his fancy chair. "What's with you teenagers and wanting to do whatever you want?" he asked. "Also, why go there? You have Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and New York paying big bucks for you to just arrive in their city. Here you are requesting to go to a small mountain town to go to a carnival. A carnival, Magnolia!"

"Hey, the Cow Days Festival is a tradition in my hometown, Ted! Not once did I go back to South Park to visit friends and family ever since I went out to become famous," I argued back. "I had a lot of great memories then."

"You were seven years old!"

I sat down calmly into my vacant seat and sighed. I needed to relax; shouting won't help anything in this situation. "Look, this is all I'm asking for. I just need a couple days in South Park and then we can do whatever you sign me up for right after. I promise." I waited there for a couple minutes, watching my manager contemplate the compromise. "South Park is not as little as you think. Big stars have visited there before, you know. Will Smith, Britney Spears, Mel Gibson... If you want, you can bring some paparazzi with us. They can bother the hell out of me. Just, please, let me go back home."

Ted reached out to grab his office phone, pressing a number, and placing it against his ear. "Fine, go get ready then. I'm going to call the mayor and see if we can approve this."

I shot up into the air and did a fist-pump.

I scurried over to the greying man and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed out of pure joy.

"Yeah, yeah, now go home and pack. I will also book the best room in their hotel, ok?" he told me, nudging me away from him.

I gave him a blank look. "Why not just stay with my parents?"

Ted groaned, shooting me an exasperated glance. "You're pulling my leg, kid."

"What? It's the most plausible thing to do! I feel like I need to be reminded what my house was like. Again, ten years, Ted. Not once."

"Fine, whatever! We'll still need to book a couple rooms anyway for the crew. Now, go home. We'll leave around noon tomorrow so make sure you pack everything you think you need."

I shot him a thumbs up and ran out of his office. Once I was at the other side of the door, I let out a gleeful shriek. Finally! Finally, I get to go back to South Park and see family and friends. I can't believe it! Not once did I think that Ted would actually give in to one of my many attempts to visit South Park.

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