(Kenny McCormick) I Am in Love with My Best Friend

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A/n: And here's another Kenny oneshot! It's just so enjoyable to write about this lil, perverted blond. So, here ya go _Mysterion_ I know you've been waiting for a while.

But I like to give a shout out to pineappleturtlesause for the idea. Remember everyone, despite your body size, you're beautiful! Don't forget that, please :)

Kenny x Chubby!Reader

And, I'll put the video of the song used so you can play it while reading this! :)


I have always been there for Kenny McCormick. Ever since we were young children, we were that weird duo, the poor boy and the chubby girl. But I cared so much that I didn’t care for the bullying that happened between us.

I remember one time my cousin told me that it's nearly impossible for a boy and a girl stay as best friends before one of them falls in love with the other. This was around my fourth grade year in elementary school. I had scoffed at the audacity of her words and told her how false she was. Because me like Kenny McCormick, the perverted poor kid of South Park Elementary, was insane! She told me to watch for myself. If I wasn't the falling in love, it will be him falling in love with me.

I've never hated myself so much after that incident... when Kenny had gotten himself a girlfriend, a beautiful fifth grader. I found myself fuming whenever I spotted the two of them together. When Kenny told me he was going to become committed to this girl, the girl I don't even remember the name of right now, my heart broke into a million pieces. When I told my cousin of the situation, she laughed at me. "Hoo boy! What did I tell you, (F/n)? Sounds like you're jealous. You never stood a chance with your own feelings in the first place."

From that point on, I had gradually accepted it. I was in love with my best friend and I hated myself for it because I knew, Kenny being himself that I was going to end up heartbroken. Because why, of all people, would Kenny McCormick, South Park’s playboy, would want his tubby best friend? The freckled blond could any gorgeous woman, of any age, to be wrapped around his little finger. Oh how I wished that I hadn’t become one of those misfortunate girls.


My feet carried me along the familiar sidewalk on a fair, chilly day. I held a neatly wrapped (f/c) box in my hands, anxious to give it to my best friend. I decided, since today marks the anniversary of when we first met years ago, that I would make Kenny a knitted sweater. He didn't have much clothes to go by on in the first place, so hopefully this sweater will do him some justice.

I stepped up onto the doorstep of the McCormick house and knocked lightly on the door. "Hello~ It's (F/n)!" I called out. I leaned close to the worn down wood and tried my best to listen to any kind of sound inside. I sighed at the lack of noise and entered the house, since they always have their door unlocked. I've been to this house enough times to know that Kenny's parents were ok with me just barging in.

"KenKen!" My feet took me to his bedroom. It was then when I heard some muffled noises through the ajar door. I slightly pushed it open only to regret my decision.

"Oh my god!" I jumped back startled at the sight. Kenny and Annie from school were in a very much heated make out session in his bed. What makes matters worse was that Annie's button down shirt was ripped open, her lacy black bra and fresh hickeys out on display. I smacked a hand over my eyes. "Hey, Annie," I greeted the blonde girl in a flustered murmur.

"Oh my god, (F/n)!" I heard rapid, clumsy movement around the small bedroom. I bet my classmate was trying to make herself look decent for my sake. "Jeez, I'm sorry, (F/n)! This must be very awkward..."

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