(Clyde Donovan) Mechanic Shop Love

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A/n: Ok, I caved in. I'm changing ____ to (f/n). Sooo yeah. I'm not changing the previous oneshots but from now on, it's going to say (f/n) (l/n) for first and last name and whatnot :P Just letting y'all know!

Plus, I might start getting into First person point of view.

And next requested oneshot is about the adorable Clyde Donovan! This oneshot ended up longer than expected. Like wow!

I’m also very sorry of making Kenny as the man whore in a couple of these oneshots! It just happens, you know? I’ll try to stop, I promise. XD

Clyde x Mechanic!Reader

And sorry… Kenny x my OC… it ended up that way XD shh!


Joe's Mechanics and Repair Shop was the place to get absolutely anything fixed. This varies from vehicles to little kitchen appliances. Even towns outside of South Park would go out of their way to drive over to the little mountain town to get their belongings fixed by, my dad, Joe (l/n).

It was a family business. Even Joe's kids, who work in the shop, are amazingly reliable. The place was top notch and not one negative comment had ever been said. Hey, I'm not trying to brag. I'm just saying the truth.

I, the youngest in my family, started working in her father's shop since I was ten years old. I knew every simple thing I needed to know.

My dad, two older brothers, and I work hard day and night to keep people happy and make the dough. (My mother works at the hospital as a nurse, but that's beside the point.) I was happy with this life. I was comfortable. Even though I made it my plan to have no one in school find out I work at the shop.

I also enjoy school. Not much of learning things but because of my friends. I was pretty well known in my school but my closest friends were Token, Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, and Clyde, as known as Craig's crew. Pshh, Craig’s crew my ass.

I loved each of them dearly, even Craig, who seems to always be bored and a buzzkill for everything. I knew them deeper than that, of course. I had lived in South Park all my life, I knew my boys inside and out.

Although, one in particular always make me feel warm inside and just happy whenever he’s around. Clyde Donovan. I don’t know why I am so smitten by that jock but… here I am. Every little thing about him just makes me fall harder. He may be a bit of a crybaby but I honestly just find that cute. Plus, he would always cry into my shoulder whenever he’s feeling a bit sensitive. Only disadvantage is that I can’t trust him for shit whenever it comes to scary movies.

I sat on the bleachers, well already after school, watching the boys have their football practice in the field. This was part of my daily routine. I always wait for Token, Craig, and Clyde to finish practice and then we’d go home. From there, I would walk to my dad’s shop and work and do homework on my free time. Sometimes, Jimmy would join me but he’d be off doing his own thing somewhere else and Tweek usually goes straight to work at the coffee shop after school. Today, I’m on my own on the bleachers.

I watched as Kyle threw the football to Clyde. I held in my breath as I followed the ball zoom through the air. Then, with luck I’m sure, he caught the ball. I shot straight up to my feet and cheered that he caught the ball for once. That boy sure needs help with that.

Suddenly, since I’m guessing he was as shocked as I was, he was tackled down to the ground without moving an inch. I facepalmed at my crush’s slow reaction. “Donovan! You actually have to run with the ball. This will happen to you in an actual game if you don’t move your feet!” the coach shouted at the brunette boy who was at the bottom of the dog pile. “Alright everyone, get some water,  hit the showers and go home! Except for you Donovan, give me 50 push-ups right now.”

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