Chapter 31

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A dramatic chapter ahead.


" Yes maa, I know everything, I've grown up seeing you do these things," I sighed keeping my phone on the edge of the table as I ironed the clothes. Mom was giving me lectures for the upcoming festival for the second time.

" Fine then, I'll hang up do not call me asking any queries," she replied cutting the call . I folded the clothes arranging them in the closet and walked downstairs only to find mom giving the decorators instructions.

Since I came here , I had lost count of how many times we've got the house decorated for different occassions. I've never seen this much fests at my college as much as we celebrated festivals here.

" Kashvi, there's someone outside to meet you," she informed me and I frowned walking outside .

Who it might be?

" Ma'am this is a courier which came for you from your previous company, the address written is of your office," one of the guards said as he dealt with the courier guy.

" Should I check?" Savio asked me but I refused after cross checking the location it came from. " No I've got this,"  I said taking the box inside .

What would it be? I wasn't even informed about a courier to be recieved , probably they mailed which I didn't check.

I got the cutter and opened the package taking a round box out of it . The smell made me feel like throwing up as I unlocked the round box and my breath knocked out of my chest.

" What the hell!"  I couldn't help but shriek as I put the container down on the cartoon.

I covered up my mouth to control the disgust bubbling up inside me , " Ma'am," Savio and Jay , the other bodyguard came running inside as they heard me.

I glanced at mom who sent the decorators away and came towards me , " What's this smell?" She questioned when I motioned her to stop where she was , I didn't want her to see what was inside the box.

" Call your boss, " she said to Savio understanding the situation.

Thankfully , the younger ones weren't at home or Sam or Advika would've opened up the box.

I saw Danish stepping down the stairs quickly as he looked at us and then at the box kept in the middle of the room.

He approached it slowly and peeped inside , his eyes immediately finding mine. It was a brutally killed red eyed wild rat in white cotton . It wasn't just disgusting but scary too.

" You opened it?" I nodded my head as Savio came forward and closed the round box. There was one more container there , another round container which was bigger than the previous one.

Danish covered his nose as he came and stood next to me. He motioned Jay to unlock it , which he did and it was horrible as he turned the face of the box in our direction.

It was a dead snake .

I couldn't control myself this time and ran towards the nearest washroom to throw up. " Kashvi," mom called out my name concerned as she came after me.

I cleaned myself and splashed my face with cold water before walking out. The scene had left my whole body shaking in fear and extreme discomfort.

I wasn't a weak girl but I had never expected for someone to stoop this low to hurt me mentally, whosoever it was knew me very well. When I was out mom looked at me all concerned , the boxes were gone and so was the smell, as room fresheners were sprayed around.

I nodded my head sitting on the couch , mom patted my head ,"I'll get you some water, it's okay Kajoo," she said as softly she could. I just meekly nodded my head trying to erase the image of what I had just seen.

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