Chapter 34

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I groaned softly turning around as the bright rays fell on my face disturbing my sweet slumber.

My eyelids fluttered open slowly as I looked around,  the first thing I spotted was the clock.

It was freaking 9 in the morning. What the hell!

I slowly got up and leaned against the headboard, my body felt a little tired and I felt sore down there as I sat.

Ofcourse , I and Danish had connected last night , it felt good, I loved him but right now it all ached .

I looked around the empty silent room , probably he left for his office that made me feel a little sad for myself.

Did he regret last night?

What if nothing would be same?

I looked down at my naked self, a weird shyness creeping into my mind and body as I got up to get freshen up .

What if Danish is ignoring me?

I sighed , taking a hot shower calming my nerves , events of last night flashing in front of my eyes like a movie.

I wore a rose pink anarkali , tying my hair in a bun walking slowly as it hurt.

I sat down for a while wondering why noone woke me up early morning , that's when someone walked inside the room without a knock.

I looked at the figure surprised. Danish stood there with a huge tray in his hands.

" I thought you left ," I mumbled ignoring looking directly at him.

He placed the tray near the couch, while I got ready to go downstairs nervous at how mom and others will react.

I was way too late today.

Once I was done I decided to go downstairs , it would also save me from facing Danish.

" I'll go and help mom," I mumbled taking a step towards the door to leave but he blocked my way.

" Look at me Kashvi," he mumbled grabbing me by my arms.

After last night I felt oddly shy to even face him. Every facade we had between us was unraveled last night.

When I didn't make a move, his index finger tipped up my chin in his direction making me finally face him.

" Danish..I..I'm already late ," I stammered but in return he just nodded in amusement , corners of his lips tipped up.

" Stop avoiding me, and I told mom that you are not well," he said pulling me towards the couch.

" But I'm fine," I frowned when he raised his brows at me as if asking are you?

Sure I was in pain a little bit but it was tolerable.

I could see adoration in his eyes as he smiled at me , making me sit down while he poured ginger tea for me.

He was treating me as if I was a fragile glass doll .

" And here's your breakfast," he said serving me .

Here I thought he would ignore me or regret it but this was my man who knew very well how to treat his woman.

"You didn't go to office today , why?" I questioned , running my finger around the rim of the cup.

" I did. I went there early morning, looked up my schedule . There was nothing Ashi can't handle, so I came back," he replied placing his arm around my shoulder.

I sipped on the ginger tea which soothed my nerves and body. There was pin drop silence in the room because I was not at all in state to utter a word but Danish didn't like it .

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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