Chapter 27

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Dear readers,thanks for the patience and support.

A warning beforehand, things are going to escalate and heated from now onwards in the upcoming chapter


As soon as they were out of sight,I pushed away his hand from my waist.

" How close are you and her?" I couldn't help the question roll off my tongue.

I wasn't supposed to ask that I guess ?

But Heck! I already did.

He narrowed his eyes at me taking a step towards me ," Why?"

" What why? I just asked out of curiosity, " I replied looking away when he did bit say anything I finally looked at him only to find him smirking at me.


"I'll tell you," he mumbled as he again took a step towards me.

" Her and I ,we are this close," he said grabbing my shoulders pulling against himself,

Although he physically affected me I hated the words his mouth was uttering," or probably this," he whispered kissing my earlobe , running his hand down my arms tracing slowly as goosebumps erupted all over it , going down and holding my hand interlinking our fingers together.

I took a deep breath looking up at him , as he stared at me the tip of his nose brushing against mine . I glared at him as soon as he whispered with a sly smirk on his face," I'm sure this close,"

Pushing him away, I walked towards our room as he followed and before I could react he had grabbed me and locked the door from the inside yanking me against the door.

" Does it affect you Kashvi?" He questioned , amusement clearly showing on his face.

If I had the guts I would've screamed a yes.

But since I didn't, all I could do was shook my head.

" Why would it affect me? Be close to someone or be far , it's none of my concern," I mumbled trying to get away from him but since he was so strong he did not let me.

" Why do I feel like something is burning?" He questioned and I felt an urge to stomp on his foot but controlled myself.

He leaned forward and sniffed me , like legit!

" Are you jealous ,Chudail?" He whispered in my ear and a shiver ran down my spine.

I bit my lip nervously to control my emotions but it pulled a wrong string when Danish stared at it , his face turning all serious and dark.

He leaned forward wrapping both his hands around me pulling me closer such that both our fronts were pressing against each other, he trailed kisses down my jawline to my neck with every touch and sensation doing flips in my stomach.

My chest heaved up and down as he turned back to me , his eyes intense and without any second thought our lips engaged in their own sync.

It was soft like a feather , the way his lips moved against mine , my fingers found their way to the back of his neck curling to his hair as his tongue moulded with mine .

I could taste the bitter taste of his usual coffee but even that felt sweet coming off from him.

It was our second kiss but it felt like first and even better.

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