Chapter 33

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A long chapter ahead guys!

The most awaited chapter is here. This is my first time writing something mature so please show me your support and feedback.

Mature Chapter Ahead ⚠️

I'll give a warning in between too, please skip if you don't prefer reading it.


I felt comfort, the warmth radiating from his body seeping into mine .

He grabbed my knees from side pulling them and making me sit on his lap.

I pulled away from him but kept my arms wrapped around his neck only, staring into his dark orbs I gave him a brief smile.

The way Danish looked at me , I didn't want him to look at someone that way ever .

I felt possessive about everything  when it came to him, and anything which would try to separate me from him I'd erase it.

His hand pulled on my bare skin of my waist as he nudged his nose with me , closing my eyes in anticipation.

I felt the electric jolt in my whole body as he pressed his lips against mine.
I grabbed his nape pulling my body more into his as he skillfully moved his lips in a sync .

We were so lost in our own world, every cell within my body vibrating with his name. It wasn't just a kiss, it was his way of claiming stake on me.

" Bhabhi," I quickly got down from his lap pulling away almost falling down on the floor , as there came a knock on the door.

" These guys get on my nerves sometimes, " Danish grumbled walking towards the door while I corrected my saree a little bit.

There stood Sam and Advika at the door .

" Everyone is calling you downstairs ," she said and I nodded walking towards them only to be pulled back by the elbow.

" What?" I questioned a frown etching on my forehead.

" She's busy right now, tell them," he said and my eyes widened at his blunt reply.

I pulled my elbow back from him taking a step outside the door.

" Ignore your brother, I'll be back in a few minutes," I said the latter part to Danish, ignoring his scowl which was directed towards me.

I quickly descended the stairs striding towards  the backyard where the eldest relative of ours sat on the swing while everyone was seated around her.

She talked about the rituals and stuff while we listened to her keenly.

It went for almost an hour after which I was finally relived as mom said she would handle rest of things.

I was told to leave and sleep as we had to wake up before sun rise for sargi.

When I went inside the room Danish was already under the covers with lamp off , so I guessed he slept.

Quickly changing my saree into something comfortable, I did my skincare quickly before joining Danish.

After I laid down, my muscles relaxed a little bit making me realise how tired I actually was.

I faced his direction, stroking his forehead lightly," Now you remember you have a husband ," his words made me giggle as I pulled my hand back looking at his face.

So he was not sleeping but pretending to be asleep.

He turned towards me grabbing my hand back and keeping it on his head motioning ne to go on.

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