Chapter 1 The Book of Legends

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The characters, places, events, companies, and other elements in this story are all fictitious. Any similarity to any real persons (living or dead), places, happenings, fictitious characters, and/or establishments, as well as any mentioned history and references in this story are all coincidental and not intended by the author. That includes the inventions (patented or not) mentioned in this story.

The "Art Of War" and all passages from "The Art Of War" are of its respective copyrights and the author gives all credits to its great teacher, Sun Tzu.

The "Siva" and the stories included in the "Siva Light Novel Series" are all personal original works of the author. Its name and all its titles are Copyrighted under applicable law.

All individual references mentioned in this story belonged to its creators and the Author sends his greatest most heartfelt thanks for creating such characters that this story had had the opportunity to be created.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Ethan Reddcliffe
All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any other means, or stored in any database or retrieval system without permission from the author or the publisher. Any reader who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with reviews or inclusion in any other agenda should give the credits to the book and the author.

This story is made through passionate writing for the benefit of its readers and supporters. It is free and the author does not charge any money to anyone upon reading of its contents.


I've relaunched my "Royal Road Legends" ( account since a few days ago after receiving some personal help from the beautiful phoenix, Wing-Sama, of the Royal Road Legends website, whew, and will be posting chapters there as well so please, if you can, inform your friends over so that they also enjoy our story and be up to date with the current progress of Siva's quest.

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Well then, please enjoy the read.

Volume 4
Chapter 1: The Book of Legends

In the beginning, there was The One. He was the ruler of all creations, everything is his. And then he grew tired of watching a dull cycle of day and night and so he made three beings in his likeness and thus came the existence of the three Gods that govern the Universe.

There was The Brahma, derived from the image of the creator himself. He was kind and benevolent to all creations that he himself would take a part of himself and give life to his creation. But what gift he had in him is the gift of freedom, he was tasked to be a God and as well as one of the creations. He was a friend.

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