Chapter 37 The Darkest Dawn

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Chapter 37 The Darkest Dawn

Good luck...

Siva thought of the words that he had last heard. Those were the words that echoed in his ears before he began to be blinded by the brightness of the teleport light.

"Good luck?" He whispered, gritting his teeth, his breathing becoming heavier.

At the mere thought of his brother sleeping on that capsule, and with his 'soul' pretty much being threatened to be destroyed in this world, Siva began to darken his thoughts as the rage he felt on the words "good luck" started to overflow in his heart. The seconds became slower, like the drops of water outside, or the leaves falling on a tree on the garden down below the grounds all had been rendered slow. He raised his head to the man in front of him, glaring as much as he could to inflict the most damage in those dwindling seconds before he disappeared into the light.

My brother's life is just for luck? 

He thought bitterly.

For almost a span of unimaginable seconds, the small vertical lights that should have engulfed his body suddenly become a little bit slower in its progression. The wizard in front of him didn't notice this but the only woman with authority in the room felt that there was something wrong. 

She felt her nape hair stood up, goose flesh crawling on her skin from head to toe. Something in the eyes of The Destroyer made her alarmed. It was something that felt akin to a real forest monster. It was a feeling he had read in so many articles about him earlier on.

"What did I ever do to you people! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH...!!"

But even with that, she knew it didn't help The Destroyer one bit to escape the fate they enforced upon him... or in this case, the fate that Hagrid enforced to this player. And yet...

Why is he crying? This is just a game.

Donna couldn't find an answer to that question. What she felt with those confusing emotions were neither fear nor any for m of threat, but it was definitely alarming. Like a lion cub, cursing upon the hunter who killed his mother for prey.

With tears that started to form in his eyes, Siva kept on glaring at the magician's slowly disappearing image, vanishing as an after sight and leaving him screaming in rage. Siva cried in anger, the tears of hatred flooding both sides of his cheeks. With his open mouth and the audio disappearing along with his body like a broken glass, the sight of him screaming in anger and trying his best to free himself from the binding chains, made the male elders give out a mocking smile.

When the silence of the room came to them, Hagrid looked at his elders with a grin.

"I can see stardom already."

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