Chapter 21 Northern Trouble

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Volume 4
Chapter 21: Northern Trouble

As ominous as it sounds, the curse that comes along with DNI-Therapy is that it was a double edged sword.

The last words he heard almost made his heart stop.

"If it's that dangerous..." Rex paused as he realized the truth of the story he heard. In that dream he saw of his mother, fighting against Rogue in Terroa, he felt that there was real pain in fear in her eyes.

She was looking at him wearing those kinds of eyes. A sense of fear and wariness that he only now realized as he focused his thoughts.

Just what actually happened in there?

According to Augustus, Exposition is the part where the patient enters the «Active World» where he must live like a real part of the environment. 

In other words, the patient must become active during the Exposition in order to learn that he was in a dream world and thus Trigger in his subconscious that he must wake up... or log out —thus the purpose of the third stage, Extraction. A third party must Trigger the notion that he was in a dream and must log out.

But before that time, as the fact remains that Terroa is not a safe place, knowing that Baron is basically a 'player' without the restriction on all NPC that [they must not leave the safety of the city] and can leave any time, or be dragged out by hoodlums like the ones he saw roaming around Xargoal-6, the fear of danger permeated on his mind like a wriggling virus.

He clenched his fists hard that his nails were stabbing his palms. As sweat formed on his hands and forehead, Faust put a hand on Rex's shoulder to lighten up his darkening mood.

Rex looked up at Augustus and he wore an expression of concern and pain. 

"Is there an assurance that if the three stages should be completed, Baron will wake up?"

"Well, logically speaking, you are the assurance." This line made Rex's face wring in anguish. "But if you're doubting yourself then you can always choose to not go with this plan. After all, that's one reason you are here in the first place. So?"

"No. I will go. But wait a minute, is there any other options left aside from Terroa for the active world in the first stage of the therapy?" 

"Sadly, four years ago, if only Pegasus had not tried to kill you, there would have been a separate 'Ward' for all coma patients on all Hospitals. But now, the only place the first stage of the DNI-Therapy can be used is Terroa. And based on your circumstances and limited knowledge in that arsenal, we have no choice but to complete the entire therapy in Terroa."

Rex leaned back to his seat as he paused and stayed in his silent sanctuary for a few seconds.

When he recovered his thoughts, he exhaled hard and chased his breath. "So how do we know where Baron will be once he entered Terroa?"

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