Fighting Styles

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"Fighting Styles" - In Terroa, there is no class or job prefessions. There's just the fighting styles. When a player likes to use swords, then he's a swordsman but if he decides to put a twist to his preferred style, then comes the variation. The following Fighting Style list is just some of those who's been told in the whole series so far:

"Mage" - Players who uses magic as primary fighitng style. But can still use other weapons from time to time.

"Sword Mage" - Players who casts magic while fighitng melee combats using swords.

"Wizard" - Magic users to the core. Like the Witches, Wizards uses a SPECIFIC SET of skills and magical abilities that sets them apart from the more general magic users, the mages.

"Ranger" - Players who rely heavily on their bows and arrows.

"Elf" - They are also kind of Rangers, except, that they often cast their arrows with magical attributes for additional magic damage rather than normal ability damage using ability-oriented skills in archery.

"Trickster" - A rare breed of players, presumably just for show. These are players who uses daggers as their main weapon and using tricks and traps to confuse enemies. Relies heavily on speed. But if there's actually a good use for them, it's for dismantling traps and/or setting them up.

"Healer" - Vital players, yet very rare. It is so hard being a healer as it was a pure support battle style. One reason why they are highly valued by their party members.

"Gunslingers" - Flashy, stylish, extravagant players. Gunsligners rely heavily on the rate of fire of their weapons and using Trickster Moves to confuse and avoid enemy attacks, while countering them with precise and accurately placed gun shots, making them rather unique to solo players who can hurt allies with stray bullets.

"Swordsman" - A player who uses swords as his main weapon. He can use multiple variety of swords to accomodate his different moods or maybe his or his opponent's condition.

"Swordmaster" - A Player who uses only one specific bladed weapon, mastering its art and forms.

"Blader" - Even rarer than a SWORDMASTER, a Blader is someone who had mastered all bladed weapons in his arsenal.

"Engineer" - A player who uses multiple varieties of weapons when fighting.

"Witch" - These female players are spell oriented magicians who relies on their UNIQUE SET of magical skills and abilities. Very different from Mages who are more inclined to common sets of magic.

"Shanks" - Gunslingers who uses bigger guns than oridnary rifles and and pistols. They are considered a tank in terms of their firepower.

"Brawler" - A Player whose fighting style relied on fists. But being a brawler doesn't usually restrict one on using fists as there are no rules and regulations that determines the player's jobs and classes, these fighting styles are just a way to determine their personal preferences. Brawlers are, in fact, rare creatures indeed.

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