Chapter 6 Complete The Quest

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Volume 4
Chapter 06: Complete the Quest

The confused monsters freed themselves from the tiny moments of delay and chased off Siva who then put a charge on «The Heart» on his chest.

He felt that even though it wasn't extending on further parts earlier, it retained the stunning effect that he had originally planned for it to use. It happened back there when he was trying to save Agatha. Although when he looked at his player panel on his vision, the charge that was set on The Heart was depleted after just that one discharge.

Dragunov's original concept design and purpose wasn't built around the «Raijin Ability Set». 

And he even felt that he had neglected its original use ever since he discovered the «Raijin».

From his accessories list, the «Disintegration» function of the Dragunov had used up 4 slots with the (-) sign that meant that the function can be junctioned; four limbs, four slots.

He used that to junction the accessory «Alteration» he had received from Rafaela (that gave him the ability to switch between two targets) and made him discover the «Raijin» ability set.

Its basic explanation is described as the «elements» of the Dragunov making a connection between 'any' target and when he issue the command «return» (either to any of the four limb parts, or all of them altogether, thus the four slots used), the activated 'part' will pull Siva.

Thus the ability that allows him to 'almost' teleport in any place within the AOE of the Telekinesis and the effective range of the «Alteration» instantaneously. 

This is the «Lightning Step».

In the case of the other ability, «Call of Thunder», it is a skill that doesn't require any target. He can activate the said skill by: 

1) releasing the charge in «The Heart» after deploying a Plasma Smoke Screen; or 

2) with a little computation and luck in nature reading, when the cold temperature in midair is low enough to reach the warmer temperature on the ground. All Siva had to do is extend the «elements» as high as he could (thus the raising of the hand), and the charge can be set and released.

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