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I know, I know.

I said three weeks (maybe longer), and it's already been what... six?

But nonetheless, I'm back and I missed writing. I don't want to make excuses to you guys but I just want you all to know that I am in the lowest state of my life at the moment.

No money, no nice home, no computer to write on, no internet, and a desperate need for food and shelter. In short, I am currently a useless bum looking for pity in the streets. —just a 30% exaggeration. Still, what I said about having no money for food and internet is really true. Right now, I used what little money I have to rent a friend's computer so that I could write you guys the updates that I've been saving in my head. Don't be alarmed. I have food... for now. The reason I did this is because I am a serious writer and it is my pleasure to receive the messages of you guys missing the updates and those whose even kind enough to launch a [Good-Heart] Campaign, even some advices for me to ask for money in exchange for updates, and I really appreciate all of them.

Thank you so much!

But please let me clear this, I don't want to be called an extortionist by some other son of a bitch out there. I write because it's my passion. If I can get some "Thank you for the chapter" then I am already satisfied.

I wrote the story of Siva because of my observation of the current society, as well as what would have been the "Logical" reaction of the people who became the victims of man's greed, other people's ambition(s), or even that of FATE.

Siva's story is all about us, what we feel, and what would REALLY happen to a normal person under Rex's circumstances.

That said, I love you all... dear... dear readers of SIva.

I apologize greatly for the late update and I do have to apologize again in the future since what I've written —-and will post right away—- will be UNEDITED works for the purpose of update. Nonetheless, I am positive that I've already improved my writing skills and I do hope that you will enjoy the release.

Again, Sorry for the absence.

Enjoy the updates.... and...



In order to prove to myself that I deserve to be praised as a writer of good stories, I will now officially [announce] the planned release of the:

Siva: Project Salvation

It's going to be the culmination of my current skills and all the things I've learned thus far in all the books and writing tips I've studied so far.

It's a world that revolves around a mysterious character named "Seth" and it's going to feature 20m high humanoid mechanical golens called WYVERNS.


The Wyvern Units are back and this time, it's in a world bigger than any of you have ever seen. I will post the sample chapter as well as the (prototype) cover of the story and it will be posted in here... or exclusively on Royal Road Legend.

Please give it a read and some comments of your expectations.

—-JE Reddcliffe

Siva (Volume 4) The Book of LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now