Chapter 27 I Will Protect

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Volume 4
Chapter 27: I Will Protect


PULLINGTHE GIANT sword, the blade vanished in the coffin's other end and the 1.5meter assembly of the hilt and guard rested on her shoulders.

The pentagon seal she broke was healed and a smile beamed out of Six.

"You will not escape here!"

Siva and Samantha ignored him and he looked around on things that he can use. When his eyes rested on the chaos of the battle that broke out and destroyed the city, buildings and brick houses revealed one crucial fact.

Oh, no...

This wasn't a city!

Now that he saw it, it was more like a town rather than a city. They're not even in a square as commonly seen in Walled Cities. They were in a town and further into the gaps between the small huts and brick houses were green fields.

Throughout the entire area, Siva realized this.

—Holy shit! Are we in a village?!

As much as it's hard to believe, there was just no time to entertain that shocking revelation. They had to get out of here. Fast.

He pointed his gaze on their captors and through their still not moving formation, he recalled the words 'seal' that Six had declared. He smiled. Conceited bastards tend to have that kind of weakness of announcing their full intention to their enemies.

And as his eyes naturally dragged to the sword stabbed in the ground... Siva told her.

"We have to get out of here."

"But how?"

"I will trust you with my abilities. You will be the one getting us out of here." From those words, her face formed a puzzled a look.

Siva swiped the air, manipulated his player window, and after a few moments... TING!

[You received items!]

A message prompt appeared on her vision.

Samantha scrolled down on the window and checked on the items that she received. There was a weapon, a Talisman, a MOD, and three accessories. All of them is enough to make her surprised.

But of all the items that she received, the most visible or perhaps the most valuable of them was this one.


Type: Equipment

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