chapter one | hot chocolate

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Walking down the street, a brown building came into sight as your dad turned right, lugging boxes from the car park. You and your mum were following him aimlessly with suitcases, startled by the people running around in all directions. Also heaving bags and even a couple of mini-fridges.

"I assume that's my accommodation then."

"It looks even better in person!" Your mum squealed in excitement for you. A new city. No one you knew got into this college. A chance to really begin your adult life without the people who you worried about bumping into. New York was supposed to be where you can find, or fulfil, dreams, so you could only hope that those statements were true.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay the night? It's a big adjustment for all of us", your dad kept on asking as you tried to find your room.

You would always reply with "I'm fine. We all need to take this big step." You just wished this would go quickly so you could settle in properly without the prying eyes of your parents.

After finding your room and setting every box down, someone walked in. Thankfully for this specific block, you shared with only one person, and had a separate room from them. You shared a kitchen, bathroom and a 'study area', which was pretty much the bit in between your rooms.

"Hi! I'm guessing you're my roommate" she said whilst extending a hand. "Scarlett". Scarlett was honestly the most gorgeous woman your mortal eyes would ever lie on. Forget all the porno magazines with women plastered everywhere - she was the real deal, and looked like she was a ray of sunshine, oozing kindness. And she looked older than you, so you guessed it may blossom into a sisterly thing. It was silly to think like that, but you were so darn nervous, even one friend for four years was enough.

You shook her soft hand "I'm Janet. You need help with anything?"

"Nah, I've already got everything sorted. Looks like you need me to get rid of the parents". Behind you, they were already adjusting the pictures you just finished sticking on the wall. Typical. Anything to stay a moment longer.

"God, yes please" You whispered as she approached your room.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Janet. I'm Scarlett Johansson, Janet's roommate. I'm in my second year, so rest assured that I am here to guide Janet through college life as best I can" and she flashes a massive smile. Immediately she is bombarded with questions such as what her major and minors are, if she's taking electives, what kind of societies are available. The usual questions any parent would ask if their only child was going off to college. You give a small excuse of looking for coffee to slip away. They barley hear you, too focused on whatever Scarlett was saying to register anything else.

There's a light drizzle as you walk around the campus. Its bigger than the virtual tour you went to. You didn't mind, it was an opportunity to look at all the historical buildings dotted around, fuelling your excitement to actually start learning. To start learning more than what high school covered. To fulfil that crave to know anything and everything that your brain could handle

Finally finding the main canteen, you head towards the coffee cart near the entrance.

"Hi, could I get three mochas and...." You trailed off. You wanted to get something for Scarlett as an apology for leaving her with your insufferable parents, but you only knew her name.

You're standing there, stumbling over your words until a voice behind you growls "Move out of the way if you're not ready to order darling."

You shuffle over to the side in partial shock; you didn't think you were standing there for so long. There wasn't even a queue forming behind the man. Thinking of telling the man to wait a moment longer, he orders two black coffees.

Catching a glimpse, he looks tired. Too tired for a Saturday afternoon. His jaw twitches in anticipation, and you can easily see the shadows of long nights in his face. He's quite good looking. His dark brown hair falls into place like dominoes, framing what you could only assume as a sculptured visage. There's a look in his face that says he's growing impatient, especially since he can feel your stares.

"If you're ordering something for your new roommate, get them a hot chocolate. It's something you can't fuck up", he finally turns to you as he grabs his order and stalks off.

What a bastard, you thought.  He was probably one of those people who stay in education forever, doing all sorts of obscure degrees and forever in student debt. It would explain the need to give out advice, despite no one asking for it. Uptight. Entitled. Those were the words that came to mind as you watched him turn the corner.

You do exactly as he said anyway, changing the order to four hot chocolates. As much as you hated to admit it, it was the right decision, and he was an attractive guy.

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